Lots of stuff goin on

Yay to Ember! She got a job! Skip the pizza place hon, focus on the MA job or you’ll never get to see TacoBoy.

Five more shifts and I’m officially a day shift manager again! Yay! Not gonna get my promised week off, boo! I really think that sucks since I was just given two contradictory speeches about instructions Queeg gave and no one ever recinded. The first one was that Queeg made a promise to this individual so we have to honor that until there is a compelling business reason not to. The other was about how Queeg has been gone three months now and why are we still doing it that way? So which one does my week off fall under: Queeg is gone, ignore everything she said, or Queeg is gone but she made a promise to this person? Whatever. It wouldn’t do any good to argue. When I was asked about why I was still following an instruction Queeg left I told the senior manager asking that no one had ever told me to stop. Funny thing is when she told me to stop doing that there was something else we stopped doing and then we were asked why we didn’t have this information when we *knew* we had to have it every morning. I told her that Queeg’s been gone three months and she was the one that wanted it….

Tried some new contact lenses, didn’t like them, gonna go back to the other ones. My Optometrist asked me to try them because she was curious as to how they were and I was the first patient able to wear them since she’d gotten her samples. She also said that I was a good candidate for LASIK. Not sure if I want to go that route though. I did ask her how long the procedure had been around and was surprised when she told me almost thirty years. It turns out they were doing it in Europe way before the FDA decided it was safe for American eyes, so there’s a lot more long-term results available than I thought there would be. The reason I was asking is that a friend of the family who used to wear glasses had radial keratotomy done when it first came out. He was just thrilled – no glasses anymore, yay! I saw him about ten years ago and now he wears glasses that would rival the bottoms of old fashioned Coke bottles. Complications you see. Damn

Been talking to Nala some, that’s good. That’s always fun.

Mego is seriously starting to get on my freakin’ nerves.

Had a small problem with the pluming at the store this past week. Seems someone wanted to cause a little havoc and tore a urinal off the wall. Yay. High-pressure water spraying all over the place, but at least it was clean. We lost an hour and a half to that trying to contain the flood until I could find a cut-off valve. What I finally found was the valve for the whole building, but I turned it off anyway. When the plumber came out he took his flashlight and pointed up at the ceiling and said there was a cutoff valve right…OK, there is *supposed* to be a cutoff valve right there. After he got the line capped and we turned the water back on he walked the entire length of the supply line from the main to the bathroom where the urinal was and there are absolutely no cutoffs anywhere on that line. He said that was not right, but there wasn’t a whole lot we could do about it that night. I might suggest to the Facility Manager that when we have that urinal replaced we have a cutoff installed where there should have been one anyway. I mean we have to cut off the water for the whole building anyway, so why not?

Had some nice rain and a good wind storm through here on Wednesday. It was warm enough I had my plants out so they could get some direct sunlight and fill up on rain water instead of well water. I totally forgot about them until I heard three loud crashes on the porch. Yep, the wind blew ’em smack out of their pots. No big, the root balls weren’t compromised so I just dropped ’em back in and brought them inside. I also gave them a good soaking to get rid of any air pockets in the soil. I think I saw that on a gardening show one time…

That’s all I’ve got for now. Got to try to get some sleep before I go in tonight. The good news is I’ve got Mego *and* two of the new folks to help. Cool.

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February 13, 2009

I had rk in 1994 and am still glasses free

February 13, 2009

I gave myself lasik as a birthday present in 2001 and I am still glasses free. :o) And I wore coke bottles before!

February 13, 2009

yeah for updates!!