Late, Late, Late night……
Last night was lots of fun, even if it was a bit long. Although He did gain entry to my apartment by nefarious means, nothing terrible happened. I wonder if he understood my “definitely not a vampire” reference about a lack of an invitation. Probably not. I should have changed into what I normally wear at home; that would have cleared him out. Of course then Meg would have been a little surprised when she came over and we thought she was Sammie…
I forgot to call the store this morning and see if my hours got turned in so now I have to either wait until Thursday to find out or I have to get cleaned up and go in to check on it myself. I tried calling and the managers can’t use their part of the computer to check anymore since the hours have already been turned into corporate payroll. Damn.
Thanks for doing the nails again. It probably seems a bit silly, but I enjoy it. They also give me a reminder of you while I’m gone, so happy happy!
I’ve replenished the emergency Tater Tot supply, no worries there. I’ll also be doing the dishes at some point today.
Might be going to the parent’s to do laundry today since you’ll be out at least part of the day. No sense in wasting potential buddy time later, even if there is drama involved, right? Call me, though, if y’all want to do something.