I’m actually getting pretty good at these…
Bomb threats that is.
Being on the receiving end, of course.
Yep, had another one last night. This time it took us (the deputies and me) over an hour to clear the building. I had a much more capable person on the phones this time (the ninny from last time had already gone home) but even she didn’t know about the *57 feature (I incorrectly identified it as *69 last time) so I printed out the proper procedures for this sort of thing and put them by the three phones we normally use overnights for incoming calls. Of course it’ll get screwed up again but we can try.
The new senior manager got all up in my business this morning about why the store wasn’t done, so I told her. She asked why didn’t I call her and I told her (because I was a bit pissed at this point), "because you aren’t on the list." Her eyes got kinda big as I rattled off the list of people I had called (911, Corporate Security, District Security, and the other senior manager) and told her that if we’d had a facility manager in place the other senior manager wouldn’t have been called either. She opened her mouth to say something when her cell phone rang so she answered it. Turns out it was the other senior manager. She walked around one of the fixtures to talk to him and I after a minute or so I heard her start to say, "well why didn’t someone call…" and I think she got cut off again. It feels nice to be right and know it.
Going up to my parent’s place to do laundry and secure it for the rest of the winter now that all the guests have left. I’m also having a late lunch with Ember at Taco Bell since she’s in town watching her mom’s doggies.
That’s all I got for now.
WOw, we live in the age of Terror and people are still doing bomb threats? I guess the Bush administration isn’t putting the scare in strong enough!
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