I have to go away

I have to go away for a while.

I’m starting to lose friends, and I may end up losing my job, all because one person is too stupid to realize she doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. And now that she’s brought other people in to read the diary, the anonymity of myself and my friends has been compromised.

I really hope she’s happy, because if I lose my job, after everything I’ve done to get where I am, she’s going to wish she had never been born. And the thing is, I don’t have to lie to make it happen, all I have to do is make sure EVERYONE knows the truth.

This has nothing to do with Dirty Girl, she’s not the one causing problems, it’s Drunken Monkey (aka Tiffany) doing it.

I’ll still be reading, but I can’t update for a while, if ever.

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April 22, 2007

well that really sucks! 🙁

Well if ya feel up to it drop me a line my email is MistyandChad4@Bellsouth.net

April 22, 2007

I’m really sorry to hear this! It sucks when something like that can ruin so much..

April 23, 2007

Wow…you’ve been driven into hiding. I stand by my last statement: release Darth ToyMan. Release!


RYN: I cant find it, waaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wednesday…..Just checking in on you! Hugs