
Ember and Rah-Rah got here just a little while after my last entry. We mostly watched TV. It was nice. Rah-Rah seems to be a bit bummed about something. It may be guy related.

It was fun but they had to leave early cause Rah-Rah had to be up early suddenly.

I told them I needed a woman, and Ember replied that they couldn’t pick good men for themselves so why did I expect them to find me a good woman? I reminded them that there was lots of nookie involved in finding out that the guys were wrong for them and Ember conceded my point.

Does that make me evil or just frustrated?

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Me thinks a bit of both. 🙂

December 23, 2007

Frustrated. Merry Xmas Toyman!!!

December 30, 2007

totaly both.but i never said all the nookie was good, so would you want a bunch of crappy nookie or just none at all!???