Earlier than I expected…
OK. I really think I needed more sleep but my body wouldn’t let me so here I am at the unfathomable hour of 0436 EDT. Yuck.
Critter was still up when I logged into Facebook and we IM’d for a bit. She has to be at work at 0900, I hope she makes it in on time.
Ember is doing better with the break-up issues, I’m glad for that. She’s also started the paperwork on the house, so that’s good too.
Had a great time with AmandaC the other day. She’s still not quite ready to join in on the clothing optional thing yet, maybe next time. She said she needed alcohol for that, I think she’s being silly, but if she wants booze I have plenty.
My Facility Manager has decided we’re going to start the new schedules today instead of in October. Of course we’ll have to re-start the rotation when everyone else goes on it because we have to be 100% in-synch with the rest of the region so they can have conference calls with certain groups on days they know everyone is working. Super. And I got to keep my area, so that’s good. I have a twelve-hour day today, then three days off, then three twelves, etc.
As far as my mood goes I’m still more down than up and I have no idea why. I’m on my meds, my work/home life is about to be balanced again, I’m going to be on a set routine so I can schedule exercise and join that gym Critter’s at (we’re supposed to exercise together, I think we’re supposed to shame each other into it), and I’ll be able to actually, you know, have a life. I have to re-schedule Dr. K next month though, with the new schedule I’m working the day I’m supposed to see her. No big though, it’ll be an easy enough change to make. I just have to remember to call her office Monday morning.
I guess I’m going to go watch Eureka on the TiVo and then start getting ready for work.