Did I miss NoJoMo?

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

This new job has been kicking my ass, but in a good way. It was weeks before I finally got to take a proper day off, and I’m only just now able to pull myself out of the daily operation and not be part of staffing. I mean, sure, I’ll help out if it’s needed or if I don’t have my own stuff to do, but until two weeks ago my minions and henchman were underperforming so badly I had to be part of staffing or we’d have all been fired by now.

I’m actually at work now, I had to bring my laptop in to do some database work because one of the metrics boards I have to fill out every morning requires me to keep track of information on a weekly basis that I get sent on a daily basis. I could have probably done it in a spreadsheet but now I have more reporting abilities. I’m using MS Access if anyone is curious, mostly because it came on the machine and I used to program in that and MS SQL Server back in my labor reporting days long before this site was even a glimmer in the Diary Master’s eye. Access 2.0 was all the rage when I started, lol.

I have to go do actual work stuff now, so I’m signing off, but I haven’t forgotten about this place and I’ll be back shortly.

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January 22, 2019

Sort of, ha!

January 22, 2019

maybe you are just several months ahead lol