Cranky as all get out
So we had a good night last night. Not a great night, but a good one.
We still had to stay an hour over becuase Queeg couldn’t (or wouldn’t) focus on what she was doing. She kept standing there giving all the day shift notes out before we even walked the store. Then we had to wait with her in the back room where she called all the day shift hourly managers together and had a little meeting with them about a new program we have going on. Notice I have yet to say she talked about the overnight shift at all, mostly because she hasn’t.
There were a few opportunities on the other side of the store but all of them were caused by a lack of staff. There was one person on the schedule that has been fired (and last night was his last night on the schedule so that’s not an issue anymore), one person called in sick, and another is on a leave of absence and no one told me about it so I could schedule around it. So I sent one person over immediately, one person over after lunch, and another person over after last break, but the people that were there did not work to company standards and by the time my other two folks got over there it was too little, too late.
And now on to the real reason I’m grumpy as hell – I have a district level training class I have to go to on Wednesday morning. Yes, I *do* work all night Tuesday night, thanks for remembering that, it’s sooooo sweet! So Tuesday into Wednesday will be a twenty-two hour day for me. That’s bad enough without throwing into the mix the notification that I had to be there didn’t come down until Saturday. It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning a trip or anything on my day off. And now for the grand poobah of all the reasons to be cranky as hell – Critter doesn’t work on Wednesday and actually called me to see if I wanted to do anything. Yeah, SHE called ME to try to spend time together, and I can’t. Dammit.
wow that’s so considerate of them to let you work a twenty two hour day…I’d be ticked as well, I hope it all turns out well, take care.
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