Court and Kids
I had to make an appearance in court today for work. I was subpoenaed and everything. Cool. Except I have to work tonight. Not cool. So I get there, and it’s about the employee we arrested a few months ago. Yes, the wheels of justice turn quickly up here in north Georgia. He could have already done his jail time by now if he’d just sucked it up and waived all this crap. We have security’s statement where she saw him take stuff, we have video of him getting other stuff that same night, and we found a whole bunch of stuff in his car. And that’s just the stuff we can prove, we’re pretty sure he’d been doing it for a while. So anyway, I get up, get dressed, drive all the way over there, check in with the DA’s folks and get escorted to the witness room. I’m in there for about an hour with my security folks and a bunch of sheriff’s deputies and the prosecutor sticks his head in every once in a while telling us who has skipped and who has plead out so those witnesses can leave. Finally he sticks his head in and tells me my guy didn’t expect us to show and he’s changed his plea from "Not Guilty" to "Guilty". Idiot. I was hoping he’d do something stupid so they could at least taser him or something – I had to get up early for that jackass.
Got the kids again. She asked yesterday, so I knew about it ahead of time. I picked up some tacos on the way home from court and made some extra kool aid since I was about out of the stuff I made yesterday. They swear they came in and woke me up and told me they were here but I don’t remember. I finally woke up to the steady "thump-thump-thump" of D’s basketball on the hill outside and called them in to eat their tacos.
So anyway, I’m going back to bed now. I can get another hour or so at least.