Bad Bad Bad Bad morning
Oh. My. God.
And not in a good way.
She ripped into the parking lot on a tear this morning, screaming about shopping carts all over the place and pallets on the wrong side of the building, blah, blah, blah. If she’d just stopped freaking out a little bit she’d have noticed from the leaves and pine straw sticking to everything and the foot or more of water at the bottom of the ramps for both our loading docks that we had a bad storm come through last night. Mego and I agreed we would not send the stockers out to gather carts like we normally do, and since most of the pallets outside were left by day shift we’d just leave them for them to get in the morning.
Bad call. I guess we were supposed to push and shove all our people out into the lot to collect the carts and have the one hourly we have that’s licensed on the lift truck out in a thunderstorm moving pallets. I guess her OCD trumps personal safety.
She scheduled us for sixty-hour weeks through the end of January. Mego called her on it and asked who it was at district that had approved these schedules so he’d have the right name when he called regional about it. She gasped and said she "forgot" to give us our "short" day. So instead of being scheduled five twelve-hour shifts for the next seven weeks we’ll be scheduled four twelves and one nine. That’s *so* much better. Nut job. True, that’s the schedule I’d be working as a senior manager, but I’d also get another fifteen grand a year in my pocket too.
Then she totally wigged out on the morning walk. The other side of the store look good in my opinion but apparently I was the only one that thought so. She just went OFF. Practically threw us out of the building, told us to "go away" we were "done".
I just got a call from work. The senior manager wanted me to know that I had done a good job last night and although I might have been caught in the cross-fire Queeg wasn’t upset with me, I should just keep on doing what I’m doing. OK, then why, if his side of the store was below her ever changing standards, did she not take him aside and rationally try to figure out what happened so it wouldn’t happen again instead of throwing a supernova of a fit in the back room for everyone to see and hear? Oh yeah, it’s on account of she’s nuts.
Not sure to whom she was referring but I heard her mention that the district manager had given someone thirty days to get something that was broken fixed or she’d be gone. Queeg was quite adamant about the fact that if she went there’d be other casualties as well, she wasn’t going to be job hunting alone. Wow. I hope I’m not on the block, ’cause I’m not sure she’d tell me.
Well, now that I’ve got my schedule through the end of January, I need to try to plan a day to make a trip down to see my fave and go on this blind date with her sitter. I’ve been told she’s excited, and truthfully I am too. It’s time to move on, and I’ve known that for a while now, but I have a hard time with that. Regardless of what happens as a result of this date I think it will be good for me to get out and do it. And who knows? Maybe something fun and exciting and terrifying and all that good stuff will come of it.
let me know when you date it and maybe we can spend a little time together that day too.
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