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After a lot of confusion as to when Critter was getting off, and a short trip to keep K’s father’s lights from getting turned off (the power is not in his name, for some reason, but that’s a whole story in itself, so I’ll skip it) we finally met up at the IHOP. Yay! I had to stop during the confusion and get a shake from McDonald’s because, as I mentioned before, I hadn’t eaten all day and was HUNGRY! So I couldn’t finish my omlette and only picked at my pancakes, but it was worth it to spend time with Critter. She’s always fun to hang around with if for no other reason than to listen to the latest mischief/drama she’s gotten into.

I bought a paper before we went in, and circled a bunch of places I want to check out. The first place wold be perfect, but I don’t think I can get cable out there, and I didn’t see a vent for a dryer so if it has washer/dryer hookups it’s not vented properly. I’ll call the cable company tomorrow to check, because that’s a deal breaker. The TiVo won’t work with satellite and as much a I work I have to have the TiVo. I’ve played with the Dish Network DVR (my parents had one before they moved) and I don’t like it at all; the TiVo has so much more to offer as far as functionality goes and it learns what I like and grabs suggestions. The Dish DVR didn’t. Oddly enough, there was DSL service out there, which makes me wonder about the landlord’s assertion that there is no cable out there, since DSL is far more distance sensitive than cable television and it’s the same service provider. Yes, I know, two unrelated technologies, but you’d think if they were going to update their infrastructure to run DSL out that far into the boonies they’d send along an extra truck and crew and run a cable TV trunk out that direction as well.

The second place we went to was smaller, has washer/dryer hookups (but still not vented properly), and cable access. Not certain about the DSL but it’s closer in to town than my current place or the first place so it probably does. If not I can live with cable modem broadband access, which they offer as well. The only problem I could see with the second place is it isn’t very private, which could seriously impair my nakie time, and I don’t think that at any point in it’s construction, various additions, and renovations, that anyone ever used a level or carpenter’s square on anything. Seriously. It’s bad. It’s solid, but it’s not true at all. And the way the front floodlights are wired is enough to send shivers up your spine. They’ve screwed one of those adapters into the porch light fixture that gives you a chain-operated light bulb and two unswitched outlets. From one of the outlets they ran a heavy duty extension cord to the fascia (which they drilled through), then they cut it, used wire nuts to tie it in with the flood lights, wrapped it in electrical tape and called it a day. OMG. I think I’ve been watching too much HGTV, the home improvement shows I watch are pointing out bad things that I have started to notice in places. So if I had to choose right now, I’d go with place number two, but I’d rather have place number one. There are three or four more places I want to check out, but I want to get started on this move ASAP.

I have to go back to work tomorrow, but that’s ok, because that means I’ll have at least part of each of the next four weekends off, and the two in the middle are completely free. Yay!

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can always get a ventless dryer; I had one