Anxiety, and candy, and boyfriends, oh my!
OK, now the daily update. Thanks for helping me through the anxiety attack this morning, I really appreciate it. I didn’t know who else to call that could help me out by just “being there” even though you weren’t actually “there”. Thanks again. I hope that’s the last one, I shouldn’t still be having them.
For those of you that don’t know, I am on medication for depression, and one of the side effects of my medication is anxiety attacks, even in people who have never had them, like me. I’ve been on the medicine a month now, and haven’t had any since my first week, when I had two. If you’ve never had one I have to tell you they suck.
And for you, my friend, be reassured that it was strictly my medication and had nothing to do with you.
I did three miles today, and cut two minutes off my first split time, but I paid dearly for it and lost it on the last return leg. I was three minutes ahead at my last split, but lost it all on the way back up the hill past the vet and ended up with my normal forty-five minute total time. Surprisingly it wasn’t my legs that were hurting: it was my chest. It was an all-over muscle wall pain, nothing localized, I wasn’t having a heart attack or anything.
Thanks for letting me know that was Amanda, I was getting a little curious. I did see you after our conversation, but you were having serious Sammie time and it is forbidden (by me) to interfere, so I didn’t. I hope the candy helped this morning, you seemed much more awake when I talked to you this afternoon. I hope you get plenty of sleep tonight, and I’ll see you tomorrow at work.
I have experienced anxiety attacks and they can be very frightening. It’s like having all the symptoms of fear, but not really being afraid of anything. The symptoms themselves begin to make you fearful, just compounding things. I hope you are over them soon.
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Panic attacks are so scary. Which medication are you on? Just curious. I’ve been on many, many antidepressants also. Random Noter
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