episode 68.

well what an interesting night last night and today.

i did my research on scotty. hes in isabella county jail. in mt pleasant. livonia told me thats where he was. so then today i called isabella and they told me his information that he will be released from the charge of housed jurisdiction on april 14th. which is 9 days i know.. but this is for his warrant in livonia.. he still has to serve time for his dui.. which could be even MORE than just a few weeks for garden city. blah scotty why?

so last night i was surfing around OTIS.. which is michigan’s department of offenders.. and i found scotty hasn’t been charged yet.. so possibly on april 14th he will be released maybe for a few days and then back in the system or be transported who knows. i don’t think i can talk to him on the phone.. but i will definitely write him a letter while hes there.. even though he might not be able to write me back.

anyways while i was surfing around i typed in the female who stole my car last may.. i found her. and my charge wasn’t listed. actually my whole case was forgotten about. for those of you who don’t know.. ill will post the story of what happened at the bottom of this entry. if you all have time to read. basically a 7 month pregnant bitch (May 2010 at the time) stole my motherfucking beautiful 2007 ford focus. not to mention this bitch was DRUNK.

disgusting anyway.. i found her name and my skin crawled then even worse i found her on facebook. i am so fucking heated. i even started crying about what she got away with.. i posted on facebook what should i do? because i don’t want to let it go.. yet i want to say something to her but i have nothing nice to say so i didn’t say anything to her.. and the other half wants me to literally stress my magic to where i bring that bitch down completely.. im talkin go to the police station and get my fucking answers.. because last time i checked stealing a car with property in it is grand larceny were talkin a FELLONY. the detectives still haven’t got back to me after its been nearly a year. i really don’t know what to do.

so while talking about it on facebook everyone suggested i hire a lawyer and go to the police station to press charges with the police report i have and case number.. sounds good.. i will get a move on that.. today i can try.. or maybe tomorrow when i send scottys letter through the mail.

i found it funny today that rikki’s friend tried adding me on facebook today. i know it must kill her to not get ANY information through facebook because my facebook holds a lot of info she could use to her advantage. bitch mustve thought i was stupid. i know who all of her friends are. what a dumb bitch. no private calls im getting either. i find it funny cause she probably thinks i know where hes at.. newsflash i know everything.

so yes… right now i will write the horrible day of when my car was stolen. what a fucking reality nightmare i tell you.

thanks for all of your wonderful notes.. things are working out just fine now that im getting info on everything. =]



May 22nd, 2010

it all started off with me and my group of friends brittany, meek, brandon, brad and i in my car heading out to a city for a keg party. i ended up taking my car. i was barely drinking.. just wasn’t in the mood. we headed over there late and i didn’t sit around that long until scotty called me. he sounded stressed and told me he was in a hotel room and he’d explain everything he just needed to call me asking me if i wanted to see him.. i kept asking questions and he told me if i didn’t want to see him then it was fine he would just get his shit and leave. i explained to him that i had a car load of people i brought to a party we just got to.. he said he would help take everyone home around 2 or 3. it was already 11. i agreed. so i drove to romulus where he was at.. right by the airport.. it took me a while and i promised everyone rides home that i was going out for something important.

he told me what room and asked me not to freak out when i got there.. i went inside i was used to the hotel since scotty and my first hotel was this specific one. i left my purse wallet money and everything in my car.. i just carried around my keys and my phone. when i got into the room i noticed two beds and a body passed out in one of them. he sat me down on the other bed.. and told me where she came from.

her name was ashleigh and from a neighborhood scotty grew up with. he explained to me that he was at JRs the bar. he was drinking by himself and they ran into eachother remembering where they lived and that they grew up with the same school system. then things turned for the worse.. this girl became wasted.. and arguing with her baby daddy.. scotty went to leave and she asked him for a ride home.

he asked her where she lived and she said the metro inn by the airport room 120. he drove her there.. she is plastered.. he walked her holding her up to the front desk and tried handing her over.. they said there was no one in that room. so he threw his money down and bought it. he laid her down on a bed she passed out.. the phones weren’t working in the room so he went next door to big boy to call me.. but i agreed to see him because i always wanted to see him.

so when i got there the room appeared to be just purchased. she had her shoes on even completely dead to the world just covered up and not moving.. not even a sound. her bed was closest to the door. him are on the other bed by the window where i parked my car right in front of the room. he told me the whole story and he even told me he didn’t want me to think he was sleeping with her and he wanted me with him since he paid for a room for no reason. =]

we messed around a little.. kissing.. he was drunk and i wasn’t that drunk.. i told him that i had to pick up my friends and take them home.. he said lets leave.. my aunt jenny calls me from richards.. my aunt is a pill head.. he told me we should take his van since theres more room. he drove me to richards where he ended up selling a bunch of pills to my aunt and my aunt came with us to the keg party. jenny and scotty got into an argument about

the money.. scotty never got the money. jenny set it down.. complete misunderstanding.. so me on the phone with richard asking if he found money on the counter and he said yes.. as i was standing in between them face to face.. scotty told her to walk home and sat back in the van. jenny flips out. i round everyone up.. they all get in scottys van. and then when we were about to pull off he pulled up to the house and told my aunt he would give her a ride.. =] i love that he cares about my family regardless. she got in and they made amends.

now this moment california love by tupac was playing.. i was in front of the mini van and everyone of my friends including my aunt were in the back. a full load i kept looking back and all of their drunk asses were singing. i looked over at scotty laughing at them. and he held my hand. it was hilarious watching them go crazy.. we took everyone home. and went back to the room.

we mustve got back around 330. we fucked for hours.. stayed up til six.. still smoking and getting high.. i set my keys on top of the tv.. put my phone next to his head on the night stand.. bitch was still in the same spot. my pants were on the floor next to the window.. including my underwear.

scottys clothes were off also. we mustve fallen asleep around 6am. i woke up at 7am i believe i knew i wasn’t sleeping long i could tell by the sun coming up. i looked over the other bed and she was gone. i tried to look for my phone to see what time it was but reaching over scotty snoring i figured it mustve fell on the floor.. so i rolled over and he curled up next to me and we fell back asleep.

then 815 rolls around and we both wake up.. he asks me what time it is.. this time im on top of him looking on the floor for my phone.. i cant find it.. we look under our pillows. in the bed.. i go over my side to put my pants on.. my pants are gone.. my underwear was still there.. i said somethings wrong.. he then asked me where his van keys were.. and then i couldnt find my keys either..

he got dressed and went into the bathroom and pulled out her piss stained jeans. she pissed herself in her bed. she took my pants.. my phone and mine and his car keys. he looks outside.. he told me his van is still there and where did i park my car..

i pointed at the empty parking spot where i had left my car and started shaking. in complete panic. he told me lets go to call the cops since the phones werent working.. i had no pants.. so he left to get the cops.

a female officer came to the door i wrapped myself in a sheet.. he tried calling my cellphone to ask ashleigh to come back with the car and we’d work something out.. but she never answered my phone. the female cop was asking about my information. this bitch had $200 cash i was planning to spend on my parents birthday and my best friends daughters birthdays for may 22nd 24th and 25th. i had gotten my parents gift cards to their favorite restruant and kellis birthday party was THAT morning. my ID my social.. my wallet my purse all of my make up.. every piece of me was in that car. i gave the license plate.. she left the weed in the hotel room but we hid it under her bed. the cop didnt even walk in the hotel room.. she gave me my case number card and said she will call if they find my car.

scotty goes out to his van.. his van is unlocked he finds her PURSE her fucking ID and everything.. he reads the address and hands it to the cop before she leaves. im watching it all from inside the room with no pants. he comes back and rubs my back as im staring out the window in devestation. he told me what street she lived on. i went outside to smoke a cigarette still wrapped in the sheet. scotty got sick. and was laying down.

as im smoking im staring at it.. a nice guy asked me if i was cold or something and i explained what happened.. i asked him if i could use a phone.. i called my mom. i told her id explain she needed to pick me up.. the nice guy gave me a pair of jeans that of course didnt fit.. but i had something.

my mom arrived and i told scotty what was happening and let him know he was on his own til check out.. he said he’d call me to see if i found my car. my mom is freaking out and i had to explain AGAIN. as were driving im looking everywhere.. and since i knew what dead end nasty street she lived on i directed my mom to drive around to look for my car.. i wasn’t giving up this easy.

there are two streets next to eachother with the same name as hers.. we pulled on to both streets and no sign of her or my car.. then i told her to lets just go home.. we turn the corner heading home and then i found my fucking car in an elementary school parking lot not even thirty seconds away from her street. my car was alone.. we pulled up next to it and i started throwing up every where.. i couldn’t breath. just looking at it.. disgusted me.. we called the cops and i reported it found.. it took me 15 minutes to find it.. and it was only stolen for two hours.

now since it was stolen in one city and found in another i had to contact the city where it was found.. they met me at my car and i explained what happened. they told me they were going to pick her up and then bring her to the city it was stolen in. they told me they listed my car no longer stolen but i wont be pulled over with guns drawn since my license is also stolen.

we had to go back to the other city police station and give my statement.. scotty was long gone by now working.. or dealing with rikki and throwing her lies. she was in custody. they recovered no items.. not one. not even my pants.. while i was giving my statement my mom wasn’t allowed to speak.. i asked them what was going

to happen and they told me a detective will be in touch with me shorty. i hadnt had anything to eat and i threw up what was left in my stomach. so i was impatient.

i still had to go to my nieces birthday party. with nothing.. my mom gave me her cell phone to use so the cops could stay in touch. the detective called me AT the party. and i talked to him for about a half hour.

HER story is that scotty and i were at the bar.. met her.. planned to have a threesome.. said that she knows me.. went back to the room. i got jealous of her.. and took her home.. dropped my car off to frame her while scotty picks me up in his van and drives back to the room.

explain why my keys and his keys were FOUND in my car next to your house. while scotty is stranded at the room.. why i have no mother fucking pants or ID.. and why i was in a different city with 5 other witnesses that can prove i was somewhere else.. even a photo. and explain how i could get into the bar when im 20 years old at the time.

they obviously caught her lying but she was released.. oh yeah.. why was she released? because she was SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT.

after i talked to the detective that day i tried to get ahold of the police and the detectives to press charges.. ive left voicemails.. its been 10 months now.. so i have no idea.. what to do.

eventful isn’t it? still makes me sick. if i missed anything let me know. everything was stolen except the weed. and my pipe. everything was gone. i got back my keys. that was it and scotty got back his after they were found in my car..

really upsetting to even write this. and whats worse is i found my own mother fucking car.


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April 6, 2011

wow, thats terrible… AND she was pregnant, so instead of nailing her to a board like they should have for everything she put YOU through, they let her go so she can continue on her reckless path of $hit, and ruin her kids life too…. REAL NICE…. ugh…. *barf* Im so sorry :*(

April 6, 2011

Holy shit, that is so messed up! I have no advice for you, but I would definitely try to get a lawyer or something. It’s rediculous that she got away with that shit. I hope she pays for it tremendously.

This story was horrible, and you know you’re one of my favorite people, but I was seriously laughing my ass off when I finished!! F!ck the po-lice. B!tches get stitches.. That’s all I gotta say.

April 6, 2011

The time will go by quicker than you think!

April 7, 2011

There has to be something they can do, just because she’s pregnant doesn;t mean she should be able to do what ever she wants :p