274. threats

 well. for the first time in history i told scotty to fuck off. that im not scared of him. and his threats are sadly empty. i called him a bitch. i told him to go home to his bitch. 

his only come back was im a whore.. and a slut. and he left me.

you see. wednesday night.. (going into valentines day) scotty decided to fulfill his promise by seeing me that night since i had the night off. he left work on a run of three days that was two and half hours away to be with me.

the night went awesome. i got off three times and he never came once. 


peachy peachy.. he even threw down a bunch of money to do it. so i was satisfied. he had to work at six am though… so i slept the remainder.. and i fell asleep while he stayed up. he kissed me goodbye a million times then left. made some more promises and sweet im going back to work so are you so ill talk to you when you call me.

he called me saturday night at 3am. i was up playing cod with paul (my manager) and then he calls. so i turn my xbox off.. and answered it.

he kept telling me that i dont love him. and i never did.. and that im playing him. he sounded drunk as fuck. i kept telling him that im so excited we planned a vacation and that all i want and all ive wanted for the last four years was to be with him.

he kept calling bullshit on me like im a fuckin liar. and that i talk shit behind his back and i want to be with my manager and shit. 

i told him about how i had a crush on paul. and then i said that i had every right to see who i wanted since he was fucking rikki and then fucking me and then fucking her.

and he was like yeah yeah i do do that. and i dont blame you for that. but dont act like i dont know youre playing me.

like wtf?

youre on fucking drugs.

have you lost your god damn mind. then he was like fuck you fuck rikki i have never met a real bitch yet. cause im still lookin. fuck you.. fuck your best friend shes a whore. fuck corey. ill kill anyone.. blah blah blah. youre dismissed were done.

and i was like thats why youre calling me on private cause im not allowed to have your number

and then i said i already knew his number. he asked what it was

and i said it.

then he was like WHAT?!?!? WHAT?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DId YOu JUST SAY?!?!

i wouldnt repeat it. cause i wasnt 100% sure.

then he hung up and didnt call me the entire day.

i went to work supposed to be open to close and then two hours before we close i was getting into my car after dropping off pizza to a house.. my moms car was parked on an incline in the driveway and since it was so dark i smacked the side of my forehead on the door while getting back in.

it hurt so fucking bad i cried to paul and i was trying to avoid him the whole day because we’ve been arguing at work.

so he let me go home.

i get home.. at 1030 because i decided to have a beer and a shot. smoke some weed to kill this headache.

i have a huge knot in my forehead. =[

im watching tv texting my fb friends.

and then i get a message.. i check it and its from rikki on his and her sons account! after she sent the message she immediately blocked me. it said some dumb shit like get off my man you nasty slut thats why you dont have his number bitch.. FIND YOUR OWN MAN.

after twenty minutes i was STEWING pissed off because i couldnt write back since she blocked me.

i then logged on to my fake facebook to read her profile..

and i did NOT like what bullshit i saw for valentines day. i lost my shit right there.

i clicked send message and wrote a paragraph saying im so happy that you got to taste my orgasm on valentines day. cause i had a great one. wednesday night he was with me bitch and i know he wasnt with you cause he told you he was working when he was actually fuckin my brains out. we laughed about how fat you got and how im the best hes ever had. oh you think i dont have his number. 313******** ive had it the whole time BITCH. suck on that dogs nuts because im not the hoe in this situation. HE is and youre just a fat blob ya broke ass hater!


not even two minutes later my phone blows up private.. it was scotty.. and i think its even FUNNIER that he wont tell her my phone number.

rikki obviously relayed the message to scotty. and he started threatening me. he said hes gonna break my neck and kill my whole family. that hes on his way to my house to smack me unconcious. he kept saying i was scared. lmfao. i said come get me.. then he said youre a cop callin hoe im not retarded.. youre such an easy slut all i did was use you.

uhh.. after you just made ME cum three times and you didnt even nut on wednesday? sounds like it.

you fuckin played me cause you run your dick suckers all day and fuck all these guys. groupie slut.

and you were fucking me with those other guys at the same time EVERY time another guy fucked me because it "turns you on"

…im gonna fuckin kill you bitch i left your nasty ass at the room i just used you..

uhhh? you kissed the nasty bitch goodbye a milliontimes?

ill kill your whole family.. who the fuck gave you my number? WHO?!

go home to your bitch and bone that whale. is that why you had me ride on top because you know she cant? lmfao

rikki wont even talk to me.

OH YEAH RIGHT. youre an idiot.

youre dog shit. how does it feel to know that i USED you this whole time and never loved you.

idk how does it feel to be a faggot ass bastard? ya freak.

hung up


i was hangin up on him a lot.

he called and said he was getting closer and calling me scared. and demanding me to meet him somewhere.. um where?

so we both can go to jail? sure scotty. lets meet up you me rikki you guys can whoop my ass ill go home just fine.. lets meet at that twenty four hour coney parking lot since its 3AM lets all go to jail tonight. why not.

he called me a cop callin hoe.

uhh? when have i ever called the cops?

didnt answer me. just kept calling me a cop callin hoe.


i called him a bitch.. then i hung up. and he said hed call me when he was on my street to rock my jaw.

i said ill be up.

hung up.

eventually i fell asleep. and he stopped calling. i listened for outside for atleast an hour.. nothing.

woke up and went to work.nothing.

life is getting better by the second.

im sure rikki is PISSED! good. im sure hes even pissed more.

i love it.

bunch of haters. and he wont give her my number lmfao. and he wont do shit to me. all talk.


ahhhhh. somehow i KNOW hes gonna call me again. just dont know when


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ryn – hahah… if it was legal i would! & r: HIM… dont let him get you down, it seems like you are startign to recognize the games… im glad, you deserve better! 😉