268. Obsessed

The owner of 80s name is adam. His girlfriends name is natalie.
Scotty is still in jail. Icl caught wind that rikki went and seen him. Am I jealous? Yes.
The worst part of this. I’m falling for the general manager Paul. I’m falling. I had just finally pushed myself to ask him out to a beer and even invited his GIRLFRIEND of five years to come with. He ACCEPTED the offer but DECLINED his “girlfriends” invite.
He’s so amazing. This move he made of saying just him and I go out makes me believe he wants me alone… And drunk. He’s so amazing though. He’s my style. Please I hope he isn’t another scotty why do all the good guys have girlfriends?

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December 23, 2012

Hm yeah, definitely sounds like he’s not looking for a platonic group outing!

December 24, 2012

Anything is better than Scotty!! lol! Have fun, and be careful with your heart..

December 24, 2012

Ain’t that the truth?

December 25, 2012

Dang, do you know if him and his GF are serious? It doesn’t sound too serious if he is wanting to go out with you! 🙂 XOXO