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November 3, 2012

How is it betrayal? Haven’t you been fucking other guys? (Found you on the main page..)

November 3, 2012

Who the hell does that?


November 3, 2012

next time you see him show him the pic..

November 3, 2012

He’s disgusting…I don’t understand why you two still fight over him..I know it’s a pride thing, but fuck, whoever ends up with him, doesn’t ‘win’ anything… I’m not trying to be a bitch..I obviously have my own issues with guys…but it just seems like the only one who gets ahead in this situation, is Scotty…he treats both you and Rikki, like you’re non-humans…not deserving to be treated with respect…I know he’s great, when he’s great…but, he’s not changing….so keep doing you, and hopefully you’ll be able to get over his shit..Rikki sucks, but honestly, if I were in her position (in the situation you two are involved in) I might do the same thing…Scotty is the fucktard here.

November 3, 2012

One day you’ll realise how much he fucks you about and something will truely go snap in your head and you will never want to see him again!! Keep your chin up xxx

November 4, 2012


November 4, 2012

Ryn: I completely agree that she’s disgusting, but someone needs to stop the fighting over him…and I think she’s gonna keep on fighting for him, so hopefully you can be the one to walk away, eventually….it just seems like he will keep playing both of you, until one of you walk away from the situation…for good…

This is your perfect point to let go and move on with dignity. You’re going to lose that if you keep living the way you are over him. She hasn’t won anything; he is clearly an immature self-entitled and obsessed POS. Your life is more important than this.

November 4, 2012


November 4, 2012

OMFG! are you kidding me?????? wow. I have no words for this!!!!

November 5, 2012

I had to come back. Please don’t chase or fight for some man who doesn’t want to fight for you. You are better than that!

November 6, 2012

o.0 are you Serious?