256. middle finger UPPPPP!!!

I am leaving scotty.
I hate myself for the last three days for what happened with him.
I got railed. Scotty and two guys fucked me. The two guys left. I fucked for six hours.
Then scotty woke me up at 9 for two more rounds having his way with me eating me out to wake me up and let him cum all over me.
Then the next day you’re takin pictures with rikki and she’s blastin all over facebook how you’re drinkin with her.. off the money people of my knowledge buying pills off you? Like hmm my driver ben and uncle rich?
Fuck you scotty. I hope you and that cunt pop out eight more kids.
He has no idea. I REFUSE to text him letting him know I’m upset. Oh no bay.. I got you. I can’t WAIT to see you baby..
The second I get him alone there will be an explosion.
And believe me friends I even wrote down a list of what I’m gonna say.
Revenge is sweet.
Get ready scotty.. cause I don’t think he will get out of this one.
Love you all.

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Damn. Knowing how insanely manipulative Rikki is, is there any way she could have posted old pix and acted like they were recent to try to piss you off and be a bitch? I’m assuming the pix were on Rikki’s fb but maybe I’m confused. Idk, either way sounds like an absolutely insaaaaaaaaane situation!!

i cant stand that chick. shes so annoying. like her own strain of herpes. just when you think shes gone away, BOOM, flare up. >:(

October 8, 2012

I love you.