247. anniversary

 september 13th 2008, i decided to give up on my lesbian drama my ex girlfriend had put me through. and seduce scotty to sleep with me. he finally gave in.. it was raining.. and we had been outside all night where scotty was in an altercation with my first boyfriend adam (that ended in 2004 when i recieved a black eye from him.) watching scotty get adrenalin and rage towards my ex turned me on more than anything. and when he brought me back home to his house that night. he was incredibly sexy undressing me.. pulling off my soaking wet clothes.. my hair was wet.. the weather was warm.. smiling at me.. he asked me if i was completely sure i wanted to do this.. after anticipating banging him based off of two hours of attraction after meeting him in august. i knew after that moment that it would be extremely hard to get away from this one.

..and to my surprise.. i had my doubts. since experiencing an all out war over scotty with rikki.. i didn’t think id walk out of that situation with him walking with me.. moving in with me.. being together with me. i figured i would lose and lose and lose.. since i struggled so hard to comply to his lifestyle.. his kid/family situation.. his legal issues.. his criminal record.. his guns.. his drugs.. his money.. and the worst subject i have to get used to.. his past pussy.

of the four years.. we were never communicating properly around this date. so it was the first time we celebrated our actual relationship.

wednesday night he told me he was coming to watch sons of anarchy premiere at my house with me. i went to see him after i got off work early.. and noticed my driver door handle of my car broke on the inside that pulls the latch open. so i cant open my driver door from the outside.. just GREAT. i had been feeling some REALLY shady activity going on at work.. so i wasnt a happy camper dealing with work drama.. on top of my bullshit "leave my window down" driver door.

i had made a delivery tuesday night where someone who took the order got the address wrong.. so i had to call the phone number to verify the address.. when i was on the phone with this guy.. i told him my brakes were squeaky as shit.. so hed hear me coming.. he tipped me 7 dollars and as i was walking back to my car.. mentioned that hed take a look at my car for me.. so i instantly texted him on the way back to the store.. his name is kyle and hes my mechanical handy man for apollo from now on =]

then my door handle broke the next morning.. so i texted him about that.. and he told me to bring it over as soon as i could. so i schemed my way out of work at 4.. (instead of nine where i was supposed to be off) drove to the guys house and he found the problem and ordered a new handle on the internet for me. thats effing sweet.

although i know hes crushin on me.. im a hot ass delivery driver i would too. haha. but i havent mentioned scotty. and thursday was our huge plans of disappearing and meeting a couple weve been talking to for awhile on our swingers site. so i kinda left the boyfriend part out.. and flirt a little so i can get my whip in check. =]

i had went to scottys right after i left kyles. and he planned to come over to watch sons.. we smoked a blunt and kept talking about thursday and what our plans were with the couple.. it was exciting i couldnt wait to spend the day with him.. and fuck with a couple for the first time either.

so i went home to shower and wait for scotty to watch sons. then rikkis fuck buddy well now (ex) fuck buddy decided to start threatening her that hes gonna shoot up her house.. where his kids live.. so.. he went over there for an hour talking shit to the guy and they are screaming back and forth to eachother just threats.

whatever i wanted nothing to do with it. fuck yeah i was worried. but come on. he isnt gonna do shit. rikki is pullin that protection card.. (well thats how i felt regardless of scotty letting me know what was going on) im glad he told me the truth.. but as time went on.. my paranoia set in.. and i got restless and impatient. i texted him at midnight happy 4 years. thanks.

by then i was at the bar drinking.. because i was so uneasy. i DONT like it when hes over there.. i know its HER parents house. but fuck. it creeps me out. i know they cant have sex with two parents and two kids in the house. they probably could.. but that insecure shit started eating at me.. so i got lippy.. and bitched and whined. like wtf is going on.

i went with corey and ashley my bffs. and jimmy.. which is ashleys cousin was there.. ive known jimmy since 5th grade.. and he and krysta (his 4 year long girlfriend) had broken up for good.. after she went with someone else. and hes just been alone. i ended up getting drunk by bar close and told jimmy i wanted to smoke.. he had me follow him there.. and we sat in his room and started watching a movie. i threw my phone on silent.. and i was just laying next to him.

we werent doing anything not even touching just smoking watching tv laughing about shit. we’ve always ALWAYS had our eyes set on eachother.. but he was in a long term.. and ive been on and off with scotty so i felt no need to open something awkward between us. i had never imagined id be even next to jimmy.

we started watching a movie after being high as hell.. and jimmy told me i should just stay the night and sober it off since he had to work in a few hours i could sleep there no problem.

our legs intertwined eventually trying to get comfortable.. then he got up to get me water.. when he left the room i picked up my phone and scotty was calling me.. so i answered it.

he asked what i was doing.. and that i need to calm down because hes not doin what i think hes doing. and i told him i just didnt like it when he doesnt let me know whats going on for hours and blowing me off when he said he would watch our show at my house.. then he asked me why havent i answered him.. and i said i was sleeping.. he caught me in a flat lie and knew it. he was like "damnit linda i fucking know when youre sleeping i know how you sound. who the fuck are you with?! and im like no one im at home. i was in the basement.. i left my phone upstairs so i didnt have to hover over it waiting for you to call cause i figured you werent going to call.. then he proceeds to tell me that if he was fucking rikki he would let me know.. and theyre not fucking and kids.. and rikkis fuck buddy threats and blah blah blah.

jimmy came back in the room and basically heard the whole conversation.. then scotty started rushing me off the phone.. like whatever blah blah. and im like im coming to see you.. he was like dont fuckin lie.. youre playin me.. who the fuck are you with.. and then i convinced with my lie there was no way i could take back..

i got my stuff and jimmy told me to drive safe.. nothing happened.. yet. we both were thinking it.

man. im so glad.. i didnt commit the actions i was thinking about doing.

i drove to scottys house immediately.. he got in the car.. and we hashed it out. he relieved me. and told me to just wait until our anniversary and that hed wake me up at noon. so he grabbed my face and started kissing the bullshit away.. and i went back home and to sleep.

he called me right at noon and told me to pack my bag and get ready. so i did. he went to get his ID card since he lost

his.. and i got in the shower and shaved.. packed.. and met him at his house. i got out of the drivers seat and made him drive.. we drove around.. then he stopped at a gas station and put gas in apollo. he drives me to our jacuzzi hotel. $60 plus $30 deposit. we get in the room and i got bath salts from lovers lane.. i wanted to try ;]

we laid around and we got hungry so he took me to his favorite italian restaurant Leonardos. i started drinking.. and we ate. after dinner he drove us to the liquor store and gave me money to get hennesee and coke. and i bought some lotto tickets for me ;] we get back to the room and start drinking.. i start the tub.. and start sucking his dick in the bed.. he told me to stop he didnt want to cum since he wanted to wait for the couple.. but i wanted him to nut so bad i just didnt stop. =]

we got in the tub.. laid around some more.. then the couple finally showed up. (we thought they were gonna back out) we took 4 hours to warm up to eachother.. nerves. when scotty was talking about our experiences to them.. and how scotty and i met.. and how they kept telling us happy anniversary.. i noticed scotty was getting a little deeper than ive seen before.. he was telling the couple all the things he loves about me.. i was just shocked to hear it.. idk. he opened up in a weird way. dont get me wrong it felt warm and fuzzy on my end.. but i was just melting. he looked so happy talking about me.

after finally getting comfy talking wise i just undressed and got in the tub. then she got in.. then her man got in.. then bay got in.. then i got out and they all got out.. and we started fucking.. then she was eating me out.. her man was fucking her and scotty was in my mouth.. at one point her and i were laying flat.. her man was eating me.. and scotty was eating her. THAT part made me cum. i came again when both of us girls were bent over on the bed.. and you can see both guys going at the same pace but swapped girlfriends..

after our fun hour of that.. they left around 4am. and scotty and i fell asleep. woke up at 11.. scotty asked for a twenty minute late check out. and we cleaned all of the cigarettes so we could get the deposit. bay takes all my stuff to the car.. and waits for me to check out.. he told me he was going to watch sons with me at my house.. FOR REAL this time.. then he didnt turn where he was supposed to when he was driving me.. so im like.. uhm.. youre not taking palmer? and hes like nope.

he stopped at a coneys for food. i was like YESSSSSSSSSSS im starving.. we smashed.. then he drove me to my house.. we go inside and snuggle up in the basement watching our show. my dad comes home.. talks to us for a few.. which is still kinda "new".. and awkward because i never know how to strike up guy shit. but ya.

i take scotty back home since we both have to work.. so i got to work at 5 when i was supposed to work at 4. i hate that mixed up shit. so i lost an hour. i wasnt in the mood for work. i just wanted to go back to bed with scotty.

my boss cut me early.. i took becks home since she got off early..

then when i got home my mom was up.. but dad was down.. i told her im trying to find a place to move in with scotty.. and she instantly helped me and showed me this app on her ipad.. which shocked me.. i didnt think she’d give in the help that easy.. like sweet.. shes actually okay with me living with him.

then.. she goes to bed so im on her ipad.. looking at the prices and pictures and locations..

this fucking house i clicked on.. is damn near perfect.. 3 bed. BAD ass location (right by my uncle richs house) in a quiet QUIET neighborhood. i fucking want.

i always text scotty the good deals i come across so i can get him on board with looking at a few i narrow it down.. but i went out of my way when i texted him about the house.

he called me on his break after reading my messages and asked about it. the first thing he said was why do we need three bedrooms.. and i just told him i didnt care. its fucking awesome. i want it. i told him i had sent an email of my info already.. and hes like "ohhh so youre already submittin shit when i havent even seen it" i told him he wouldnt be disappointed.. and that we will see.

$695 a month. GTFO!

i want this house.

THAT is all friends.. whew that was a long one.. when was the last time i wrote a long detailed entry like this? i cant even remember..


i LOVE YOU ALLLLLL and read you favies all the time!


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So glad your anni went so wonderfully!! (sooooo hotttttt too, bowchickawowwow) X) I’m exited for you guys to take that next step and of course you must be too. 😉 xoxo