245. facebook

I deactivated my facebook because slutty becca decided to text me rikkis status’ on facebook. Which cause me to flip the fuck out. She made a few posts after texting scotty.. while I was next to scotty. Texts about school.. school shopping.. and christmas too if he goes to jail over christmas.
The status said.. watching a movie with scotty after we just put the kids to bed.
Uhm no?
It was a blatant lie. And a possible attempt to travel through becca to me. Since becca is the only one connected to us. Besides scotty.
I repeatedly have told becca previously to stay out of our war. And she tried consoling me saying she knows how hurt I am for him cheating on me because of the status. Him and I both grew furious. I had dropped him off at home and I went home. He texted becca.. I told her to just leave me alone. I asked him what he told her and he said what he had to for these hoes stop trying to break us up.
Becca thinks its some girl threatening her when really scotty is the one telling her off. He mustve name called a bunch..
Anyway.. enough of that.
I’m sitting outside the doctors office so we can get our drugs and sell these pills for our extra five hundred bucks.
I think him and I can make shit work financially.. I’m always the one saving.. and he’s usually the hustler.. now were both hustling.. there’s really no way we can go broke.
We just need to calm down on the red bull.. ciggs.. and gas will always be brutal since my job applies my car.
We haven’t spent shit on weed. But today I believe were gonna spend a lot.
I can feel my throat swelling I know I’m getting sick.
That whole becca rikki bullshit caused a hell of exhaustion on both of us. Were beat. So I deactivated my account so we can disappear.
I love going off the radar with him. And since this is my only day off I can tell were going to have a lot of fun 🙂
More to write.. our 4 year on and off sex capade is on the 13th.. were plannin something.. I keep requesting him to take that day off. He’s been acting dumb about it.. but he knows its important.
I’ve been reading most of you favies.. scotty is even interested in your lives.. he can remember like three diaries which are my three main bitches I read.. he doesn’t read them I swear he hates reading he probably can’t understand some words haha. But I recap and give him a summary now and then. 🙂
I love you guys!! Writing soon

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im sure hes getting a kick out of all my drama right now.

September 5, 2012

:)) Sometimes its good to “drop off the facebook world” I do the same when shit get to become too much. Rikki’s a dumb Bitch, and Becca isnt much better -_-

Aw man! No deactivating fb. 🙁 Also, can’t wait to hear about your anniversary bangin. heh… (I’m such a perv.) AND (I always forget to note from my phone) about the becca thing in the last one… oh giiiiirl, how you let another ho touch your maaaaaan, ow-weee… I’m too jealous. I would have an out-of-body experience and when I came back ppl would be dead. But as long as it works, you know wha

t I say… DO YOU, BOO-BOO! 😉 xoxo

Ryn – no I don’t mind at all, you know I talk about my favies to metty too, including you. He’s most interested in yours actually cause he’s a perv like me. Heheheh

September 5, 2012

Im not gonna lie….I read parts of your diary to my boyfriend….It def turns us both on…..wish we had ppl to join us….just hard to trust ppl.

September 5, 2012

Facebook causes so much drama…. I keep deleting mine, but end up deactivating it when I’m bored at work! Keep hustling…seriously I’m broke as a joke I gotta get my money right.

September 5, 2012

I wish I could give Facebook the boot… ugh! Take it easy doll <3

ryn: what do you tell scottie?! lol and no, i haven’t heard from the bar yet

September 6, 2012

somehow i missed reading this!!! how stupid of becca to try and start shit between you guys and rikki. wtf! i’d be frustrated too, done with that bitch!! glad things are cooling down again though and you and scotty are doing good. that’s awesome for sure! 🙂