232. bang bang

So scotty and I found a single guy on the swingers website. That fiasco is going down tomorrow. I will prewarn the entry of explicit shit for those of you who don’t want to read my sexcapades. But let’s face it we all do.

Right now I’m at the courthouse for scottys probation appt. Then were going out to eat.. then I’m dropping him off at his lawyers while I go to work 5 to close.

I feel at ease with my life. School is going great been getting all A’s on my assignments. Which I’m glad I can keep up with this pace other than last quarter I failed a class :[

Work is going fine. Adam the driver and I closed last night. I offered to smoke afterwards to get rid of the awkwardness. But he said raincheck. Whatever dude. That was my last attempt. That guy is an asswipe. First impressions suck sometimes. But I will be updating soon. Hope this bang is everything I hope for.

Scotty is warming up to me back where we used to be. So its feeling better that he’s getting over our huge fight.

Money is rolling in perfectly. So I’m at ease. Things are moving where I want them to be. Love you all keep writing so I have something to read :]


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July 23, 2012

I so want to read the sex entry!!

^^I’m with Surfer!!! Can’t wait!!! lol bunch of pervs we are ;

July 23, 2012

I can’t wait to read your sex entry! YAY!

July 23, 2012

Glad things are going good. 🙂 ?

July 25, 2012

lol, i think everyone loves your sex entries!

July 28, 2012

I so am coming back for the sexcapade entry. & I’m glad you like them! 🙂