218. short.

scotty can go fuck himself.

lit- trelly.

i cried all day when he ignored me.

today i didnt give a fuck.

like DID not care.

i slept for over 14 hours

had great dreams.

woke up.

looked pretty.

got pretty buzzed at the bar.

went to work at 5.

boss came across my tab recipt.. whoops.

he didnt care tho. i had so much fun at work.

i left work and went to richards new apt.

we went to middleschool together and always sat next to eachother since our last names begin with R.

anyway. we fucked. he has a huge dick.

then i left.

then i went home.. and was like.. hmm now what.

and corey called me so i smoked with him.. (plus i was already high from richards)

then kenny the dj started texting me..

then i left coreys and told him i was going to get laid by another someone else since i mentioned to him i just got done getting laid by someone other than scotty.

he asked if we were still beefin. i said yup.

he wants to play me like that shit? dont mind if i do fuck two guys in 3 hours.

dont mind if i do.

i have a feeling im going to have A LOT more money in my pocket now.

since all i did was blow most of it on him.


scumbag douche.

that is all kids.

back to the grind and fucking who ever WHEN EVER I DAMN PLEASE!

i just dont care anymore. i dont care.

i havent called him. i havent texted him. i could care the fuck less if he calls me. i hope he doesnt.

scotty wont come true. and these are the last words i texted him.. “fuck you. i never tried to change your filthy habits of hurting females emotions.. but you wont come true. youre a lying sack of shit who torments the mind of an innocent female who has done NOTHING but love & support you. throw “our” plans of “future” out the fucking window. you may change your mind soon. since you always do. but you will NEVER.. EVER come true. why? cause youre pure fucking lies. sleep well with your fake life and dream of the real shit.”

the show must go on.


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June 23, 2012

Now I can’t wait to read what you’re working on now haha! …

June 24, 2012

Im at the point where I’m treating guys like they treat me… eff them all!