210. hey girl heyyy

a lot has happened. to start off the YI i got was the first one ive ever had. and i swear id rather have a bladder infection than that shit. i finally started after being 9 days late. that shit is fucking ridiculous. i am so happy i got my rag to clear that disgusting shit out. i was so pissed off that i could get laid. i was so swollen and scotty wanted me to feel better so bad but he wouldnt even when i begged him to just fuck me senseless and i didnt care.


wednesday.. i worked noon to four.. and i knew scotty would be working later so i went to cannons (bar) to visit kelly right after i got out of work. i planned on going home around 6 or 7 to do my homework. scotty had to work at 630.. so i texted him when i got there asked if he would come up to see me for a few. ians faggot ass wouldnt drop off the van in time.. so he couldnt make it. so i drank more.. then.. this huge party came in. and literally kelly and jackie put me to work.

i was pissed but i drank my compensation. ugh. i drank so much. i left at 930. i blacked out. apparently i came home fucked out. i said two words to my mom and passed out face first in my bed.

thursday morning i went to school freaking out i didnt do my homework and got crazy sick at school. i kept getting up to piss thinking i was potentially going to puke. im so behind in that class also. i left early after i did my assignment. got in my car and drove off. i tried to chill at home and do some homework. then scotty called me when he woke up.. and wanted me to run errands with him. so i stopped my homework because i needed to take care of my car also. first i picked him up.. drove to plymouth to get his check.. then we drive all the way back to GC to cash his check. plymouth and GC are about a half hour apart. and since i wasnt feeling good since i got fucked up the night before.. i kept driving like an idiot. i just did not know where i was going.. so scotty drove my car. after we cash his check.. we met up with joe to get a quarter ounce of coke. after we got the yay i told him to take my car to get an oil change. he paid for it. after that we wanted to smoke a blunt so we drove to maines.. smoked then maine wanted to pick up his girlfriend so they could get a hotel room. on the way scotty called his boss asking for a number.. when he called the number i overheard him telling him “i got an 07 ford focus that needs new brakes” i got crazy happy and started kissing him. and he just smiled as he drove.. after we picked up maines girlfriend liv. they wanted to get their weekly hotel room. so i start driving after i felt better.. i needed gas since i ran out and scotty filled it since he knew i was going to work.. he paid for that. i was so happy.. then when we get to the rodeway liv went inside to get her week.. i see scotty sitting there thinking.. then he looks at me and tells me to get a room right next to her. so i walk in.. there are no rooms. so we go across the street to howard johnson.. they charge too much.. so then we go to the old metro inn. 45 for me and 169 for them. one problem. no smoking. and we had to pay a $25 deposit. by then it was three and i had to work. scotty had to be home so he had a vehicle. so him and i left.. i dropped him off at home then i went to work.

now this is where the shit gets fucking crazy. at work was so fucking hectic.. i lost my marbles. we were neck and neck deliveries.. ben and i didn’t stop. marisa (my black friend who lives in toledo) called me and left a voicemail in a frantic saying nylah didnt have any diapers and asked me to western union her some money. she asked for twenty bucks.. so i said id have scotty do it for me since i was working.. scotty had no cash on him.. or time to do it.. but he pulled it off.. he met me at 80s and got my debit card.. he pulled the money out and made it to western union before they closed at 8. marisa got the money. scotty hadnt eaten all day since we were so busy with the coke and money and work and driving. after i put the marisa errand on him.. he was trying really hard to get to the room. just when i thought i could take a breather on a delivery.. it all went fucking downhill.

i had to charge my phone and unplug my gps since my phone was dying. i drive to a house on somerset which is about ten minutes from the store.. and two minutes from my house. when i pulled on the street i looked for the address.. and a red neon was behind me. i missed the driveway so i pulled up next to the houses mailbox. the neon.. acted like it was pulling in the driveway. but backed out. i was confused on what this bitch was fucking doing.

i walk up to the house and knocked on the door. i turned around.. and this bitch pulls up next to my running car. she passes it slowly.. so i turned around back to the woman who answered her door. i heard my car door slam. i dropped the food and ran towards my car and the neighbor across the street was yelling and i was screaming.. the bitch jumped in her neon cut the corner and was gone.

she took my rainbow change purse. this purse had my spare car key. my license. my makeup. and my health insurance. I had given scotty my debit card. and i had locked my keys INSIDE my car earlier in my shift which is why i had my spare key in there. my phone was still there.. my gps was still on.. my phone was actually ringing when this bitch did this. all of my change was still in my cup in my side door. and all of the cash and cc tips were in my back pockets on me.. so her attempt at hitting some cash was a terrible fail.

i then called 911 after i made the transaction with the house who ordered food. 911 said the address was in GC and sent me there. so i drive to GC. on the way i called joe crying. and he told me to take my time. i hung up with him and called scotty. he was at the hotel room waiting for my shift to end. he told me to calm down and he was getting pissed for me. i couldnt breathe. i was so fucking upset.. even though she got away with nothing. im still fucking pissed. uncle rich called me.. i told him.. then matt called me.. i told him.. it was just insane.

i told the GC cop what happened.. after i finish the entire story.. i hand him the reciept where i was. he tells me its in westland and sends me back over there.

NOW IM FUCKING PISSED AS ALL HELL. i drive to westland.. by now the sun is down down down. i have no coat. its fucking cold.. i try running inside but a pig in his cop car was parked on the side walk rolling his window down saying can i help you. i go up to his window.. and spill my story.. as im shivering in this fucking wind. he asks me rudely “why didnt you call us?” i shove my attitude right back and flip a lid. he writes the shit.. puts out an alert on this crazy skank whore.. gives me a case number and sends me on my way.

i drive back to work.. EVERYONE at work wants to hear of course. im losing my god damn mind. joe sent me home. i drove straight home and packed a bag telling my mom what happened.. then i drove to the room when everyone was hitting me up for weed. and wanting to know what happened. i get to the room and hes playing his psp. he puts it down and hugs me.. i start crying.. and he started the shower for me.

Lana (from work) drove to the room to smoke pot. i just got robbed dude.. really? so then to FIND pot i drive my car back to westland from romulus to get pot. i pay for it.. then scotty rolls up a blunt

and we smoke. Lana left. then i try to do homework.. i get one assignment done and remembered i hadnt eaten anything.. he orders me cottage inn at 1 am and after we both ate he wanted to go to bed. at this point i told him i was feeling better enough to have sex. and had the condom next to us. he said since our day was so long and his back was hurting him he didnt know if he could satisfy me that night.

we shut off all the lights and were under the covers. he was holding me.. and i rubbed my ass all over him.. he got hard.. i went down on him and did my best ability. i had him talking to me he was so excited.. i laid down on my back and he fucked me perfect for 15 minutes.. i felt his body shutter and get off.. he got up took the condom off and crawled back in bed.. and fell asleep.

he got up for work at 5am.. i laid in bed til 9. and slept on and off while he was working.. he texted me to not smoke the other blunt without him.. i told him i wouldnt and he came back around 9. we aired out the room so i could get my 25 dollars back. we went to maines room and smoked. i had to work from 12 to 9.. and he would be with his kids all day. so it worked perfectly. liv needed a ride to work.. and i took scotty and maine to his house. then i went to work. i busted my ass for the first 6 hours.. and since the carnival is right across the street from 80s.. scotty called me from the ferris wheel. and watched me deliver pizza. he was with his son and daughter.. no rikki. =]

i went to the bathroom at 6. and there was my rag.. greeaaattt. got a tampon from natalie then worked some more. we were so busy that i was fucking running. i was supposed to be off at nine. i didnt get off til 1130. earlier in my shift my uncle asked to borrow a hundred dollars. so right after i finally got off work i drove to richards.. i was telling him about my day and how i couldnt get off work in time.. then adam clicks in and calls me BACK in for the last two deliveries.. so i drop off the hundred and drive ALLLLL the way back to 80s.. by the time im down the street from 80s adam calls me AGAIN and says im not needed since the new driver got back into her locked car.

i tell him im pissed and i just drove all the way back.. so he says he will give me the last two deliveries anyway. the lakeview.. and the rehab center. did i get tipped? fuck no. oh and to top it all off.. adam asked me to give joe and becky thier five dollars that adam miscounted in lakeview.. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS DUDES?!

i was fucking livid.

i didnt get home until 1230.. and scotty was trying to keep up with me and see me some how but i knew hed fell asleep. i had bled through after i went to the bathroom at home. my elbows and arms are irritated. to top everything off i got bit ten times by a spider.. these are MASSIVE lumps. and im serious when i said 10 times. three on my right elbow.. one on my left one on my left hand and five on my left arm. these fuckers itch like hell. everyones like GO TO THE DOCTORS RIGHT?! WITH WHAT FuCKING ID AND HEALTH CARDS?!!?!?

after putting on cream on my fingers since my fingerprints have peeled off to nothing. i cried. i cried for an hour. and i didnt feel like talking to anyone. i went straight to sleep.

i woke up yesterday and tried attempting at more homework since friday wouldnt let me do any homework. mary called me. asking me to go with her to ikea for little marys bedset. okay. so we drive alllll the way to redford and pick up alex.. then allll the way back to westland for ikea. i want a blunt. i call scotty.. he picks up the blunt. drops off his son. i called adam asking if i could be an hour late. we all got high.. and i went into work on time so adam changed my schedule twice.. worked 4 to 11.

heres some more crazy shit. remember dano? he starts randomly texting me.. bashing my relationship saying we would never last. and that he wants to stick his dick in me and that i should be with him instead of scotty since scottys gay and shit. i forward all of these texts to scotty.. and they started beefing. dano didnt stop texting me until i told him to leave me the fuck alone. scotty said he was working in detroit. i called him right before i got off work and told him i was going to jrs since i cant get in anywhere else and i was meeting mary there.

dano was still sending me insane texts when i met mary at the bar. we started getting fucked up.. jess and tom showed up.. and brad and casey.. jess got me high.. and brad and casey got me high.. mary had so much fun. it feels good that were kinda back to being close friends after so long. i can tell were going to be best friends again. i remember calling scotty a few times asking him to come up there.. but he said itd be like 130 if he showed up there.. he told me to text him.. so i did.. he told me i could come sleep with him at his house when the bar closed.. so i wanted to leave because i knew i was getting wasted. mary wanted to stay.. i left at literally 2am. i drove to scottys.. he was hungry.. so he wanted me to drive him to taco bell. when we got to taco bell i was too fucked up to drive so we switched spots. he bought my food and his.. he took me inside his house.. i said hi to his dad.. and he said he was doing much better than the last time i seen him. (crazy screaming at scotty and his mom) scotty and i smashed on the taco bell.. he told me to go downstairs and get in bed and hed be right behind me.. i laid down fully clothed.. since i was bleeding. and i watched him take his clothes off.. hes so sexy to me.. i dont even think he noticed i was watching him. he held on to me.. he slept so soundless in my arms. i woke up in his arms with his legs comfortably wrapped around me. i didnt want to move.. i melted. i knew i had to go home to change.. i asked him for some water and he got it for me.. he laid back down and i watched him for 5 more minutes then kissed him goodbye.. he told me hed call me as soon as he woke up.

i have to work at 4. im all showered up and doing some laundry for work.. i had to update you guys my week.. since of how fucking intense it was..

one hell of a life.

this entrys pretty long huh.

love you all.


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That is fucking CRAZY that you got robbed like that! And even scarier that the person followed your car beforehand like a creepy stalker. Damn. Glad you’re okay!

April 29, 2012

Dang that delivery-robbery bs would for sure have me shaken up! Actually in the bad neighborhoods of Pittsburgh that happens a lot but its like the people in the house they go to beat them down and steal all their shit.

lol the craziest shit always happens to you.. I dont even think you could make that shit up 😛

April 30, 2012

Crazy times! I’m just glad they weren’t crazy Scotty/Rikki times. Hate thieves… so scummy robbing you like that. Hope you can sort your ids and insurance out soon and easy.x ?

May 1, 2012

i totally thought you were being stalked by rikki or something. im super glad that she’s not a part of your crazy anymore. :).