199. gone EDIT***

well he left me last night around 8.

good for him.


i dont really have time to update.. but ill fill you in.

scotty has no balls. rikki mustve licked his ass or something.. thursday him and i went out.. we went out out. he paid for all my drinks.. and got me so wasted to the floor. i blew him in my car. and sent him a huge text message at 5 in the morning telling him how much i love him.

well my happy ass went back to work (which is also a war zone). work has been giving me shit lately.. i mean SHIT. josh started talking shit to joe.. and joe called me upset in the ally asking if i said we banged and blah blah blah.

then adam the owner and i went at eachothers throats in text messages. i told him to just fire me if a stick is that far up his ass.. but he never fired me.. YET i did have a week off because he was a total douchebag cutting my hours.

anyway saturday i went in. and it was already blown over.. around 8pm i get in my car and i had a missed call from scottys phone under rikkis name. and a voicemail. i listen to the voicemail.. it said he was walking away and it isnt working and blah blah blah peace out..

he left it 8 minutes ago when i checked it. i called back and rikki answered the phone.. then she “babe phones for you” ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!

L- yeah so youre dumping me? after we were just together thursday night? wow.

S- its too emotional.. its not working. ive been stressed out.

L- so tell me how I have been stressing you out. and what now you say youre going to help pay for my car.. let me guess you just expect me to do it.

S- i dont know what to tell you

L- is she licking your balls right now? GTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S- goodluck.

he hung up. obviously rikki mustve been getting impatient.

so no more scotty.

Good news!

THERE IS MORE DRAMA to write about =] more dishhhhh.

I am ending this chapter.. time to start a new one. changing my diary up a bit. finally.. no more scotty.

but bullet points for tomorrows entry…

-I am going back to school April 2nd. =]

-JRS my fav bar is offering me a delivery position..

-The cook at jrs has a huge crush on me. and i did too.. a LOT

-but the bartender owns the bar and just last night he gave me an application and demanded i fill out. yeah i didnt ask

-and the bartender is SO fucking hot. so fucking hot.. the cook.. ehh.

-last night wesley pipes and i sat at the bar.. that bartender makes me melt.. and he wants me to leave 80s and work for him

-im not leaving 80s tho. nope. whatever it is ill swing it.

-ohh ya! names.. Bill the cook and Shawn the bartender… oh Shawn.

-Have to take my mother to cincinatti next tuesday.. 4 hours. i think uncle rich is comin with me.

-the most important bullet point of this whole thing.. is this one.. and the first one =] im hella excited..

diary is getting a make over.. and random how scotty lasted 199 entries. fag. i cant believe rikki made him call me and dump me through a voicemail.

how low can you go.



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February 26, 2012


February 26, 2012

Wtf 🙁 x ?

February 26, 2012


February 27, 2012

what the fudge happened??

February 28, 2012

Oh, I am sorry. (((HUGS)))

February 28, 2012

awww, what happened? I thought things were going so well 🙁 I hope it turns out okay…

February 29, 2012

good luck with the future my dear times are hard but you’ll make it through.. look at all those things you have to look forward to! xx.

February 29, 2012

Good for you for being able to move past this with such grace. F him. Tell us more about Shawn haha 😉

February 29, 2012

Hopefully he just leaves you alone…as much as it sucks/hurts…it will be easier in the long run!

February 29, 2012

On the road to happiness. 🙂 x ?

February 29, 2012

Wow, Scotty is a little b*tch.

March 2, 2012

School! That’s exciting! 🙂

March 2, 2012

Hugs. You need it. This is just too much. I hope things work themselves out.

March 3, 2012

congrats on the new job prospect!! Hope that chick leaves you a lone and scotty stops messing with your head. He doesn’t sound very much like a man if he lets that girl tell him what to do like that.

March 6, 2012

Ah! I am so sorry I have been MIA. But guess what, i STILL love you! XOXO <3

March 12, 2012

What an idiot!

March 14, 2012

wow, really? clearly if he doesn’t have the respect or the balls to tell you to your face, or the fact that he let’s rikki control him.. what a douche bag move! ” too much drama ” rikki is the drama, always will be. you deserve better than that!!