111. the bitch unblocked me.

so since OD was bein a piece and was down for HOURS! i couldn’t wait any longer since i couldnt write i started chattin online to the lovely Shielia on here.. so we decided i should just post the conversation.. =]

i’m in the red.. shelia is in white.

this shit is WHACK!

yesterday i checked rikki still has me blocked becase when i search for her i cant find her
well i checked an hour ago and she unblocked me
and i clicked to see her mutal friends
and scottys SISTER is her friend..
so i just blocked rikki immediately
but i dont know if i should limit tracie off to view my wall
because ive been writing status’ having to do with scotty

ok, wait that is effed up!! i thought his sister didn’t like her???

she doesnt
but shes like friends with the whole family
you know pics of the kids
shit like that
i told my best friend about it

right, well i’d make to where she can’t see it because it could all be a scam

and she said that tracie wouldnt do that to me.. or scotty
and she highly doubts tracie will let her use her facebook to read me

i would hope that she wouldn’t, but from experience, sometimes you can’t even trust family

true. but scotty is really close to his sister ya know
and that would hurt scotty worse because rikki would lash out on him
not me

true, so maybe she’s just friends with her cuz of the kids?

<img width="1" height="1" title="You" alt="" src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/203300_660201843_5821762_q.jpg&quot; class="uiProfilePhoto profilePhoto uiProfilePhotoMedium img” />

i just dont want this bitch to find my number
yeah i mean she lives with scottys parents
with tracies parents too
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.
rikki lives wth scottys parents

right, well i don’t blame you…if you limit her, she might eventually figure it out and wonder what your problem is, but on the other hand if rikki manages to see your stuff, well that opens a whole other can of worms, esp for scotty and your phone is gonna blow up again
so im guessing she didn’t/isn’t moving out?

i havent heard any news
and get this

:( that sucks

another thing i wanted to mention
well last night i drove to get him at 3am
we didnt get back til 430
and i didnt get home til 530
and he had a cellphone
i seen it and it was a picture of his daughter
he drove my car back when i picked him up
and i noticed it
when we split up
he told me to get sleep
kissed me blah blah hugged me
and i pull out
my phone rings private
i answer it and its him of course cause rikki doesnt have my number
and he told me to trn around he left something in my car
so i do and kiss hug blah blah and i go home
then today! i went grocery shopping wth my mom and it took over 2 hours
i get home exhausted
and my phone rings random number
i answer it
it sounded like a girl saying who this be who the hell is this
and im like WHO is this?!
and she kept saying it over and over
so i hung up
my phone rings again
didnt answer
then rings again
i check it..
its scotty "hey dumbass call me back. its me!"
like WTF?!
hes got a cell phone that i am not allowed to have the number to first?
then he pulls that?!
and then rikki unblocks me?

wow that is pretty messed up…i was gonna say, if he has a cell of his own why is he always borrowing ppl’s phones

and scottys sster added me?
thats the first time i seen him with a cellphone

yeah that is all way to coincidental to me…i’d be paranoid as hell

he never had one

right, weird….does rikki have one? would it have been hers?"

i dont know. i guess that entry was spoken too soon
the last entry i mean
no rikki doesnt have one
she would blow me up from his parents house phone

yeah, but hey, id get my hopes up too if it were me.

<div data-jsid="message"class=”fbChatMessage fsm” id=”msg_541836929_1240647447″>i mean i felt better. i know he was just messing with me trying to have a laugh

right yeah i guess if she had her own she wouldn’t use the house phone…duh shelia…

but damn. i just dont think he understands the harassment rikki has put me through for him to do that
makes me feel so uneasy

yeah that is kinda eff up…you’ve been through alot because of that bitch

then his sister and rikki on facebook is just tripping me out

yeah well i don’t blame you one bit

i guess im just sensitive right now

yeah that is weird, unless it’s just because of the kids…i have jason’s ex who i hate on my fb just because of his "maybe baby"
well you have every right to be

right right.
i understand and i know he tells me all the time he doesnt want to drag me down in his bullshit

i don’t know how you do it…im a jealous insecure psycho bitch and i could NOT handle being in your shows

it was a ten minute conversation of good stuff though that he will keep calling me

<div data-jsid="message" class="fbChatMessage fsm" id="msg_5418

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Hah oh lord Linda!!

June 8, 2011

Ooooh wow. Crazy!

June 9, 2011

wow soooo crazy…I hope it all becomes clearer really soon for you

June 9, 2011

god i know L. i wish i could meet you. wed get into tooooooo much trouble.