first day of school
Today went pretty well. I really enjoy the teacher I work with. She has a son who also has ADHD. She had a lot of fun activities for the kids to do and we only had 3 students and we are supposed to have 6 total. 2 of them have behavior plans so that should get interesting but neither one came. So I’m thinking of sticking around for the school year and cancelling my application for the library para job. Hopefully the teacher stays for another school year after this one or I’m going to be so upset because it seems when I have a awesome teacher they leave me so fingers crossed. The only bad part was the buses for the afternoon were all messed up and it took a while to get the kids home which I hope the bus company called and let them know that their kids were going to be late getting home. We will see what tomorrow brings but I’m pooped and heading to bed very soon.
Oh isn’t it wonderful when things turn out better than you expected? I’m sure you will do very well this year.
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