
Sorry it took me this long to tell everyone how court went. My apologies. So I went to court on the 25th of May. Logan did go via zoom but then the judge was kinda telling him he didn’t need to be there which was weird. We ended up being the last case. Surprise suprise Logan’s dad showed up and the judge asked him if he had been served and he told the judge he turned himself in kind of thing because he said he had contacted the police to find out why they kept coming to his house. So dad was there on zoom as well. The judge asked his dad if he agreed with what I had put on the original order and his dad said yes he agreed with it but when the judge was about to grant us the 2 year order dad started yelling and saying “I’m not going to get to see my son for 2 years What the hell so then the judge was like so are contesting the order and then dad said yes so now we have a new court date scheduled for August 16th I believe. We did get the order extended until the court date and dad hasn’t contacted me. Logan’s mom contacted me the other day saying she had a phone that Logan’s dad doesn’t know about but I told her since she was considered a 3rd party that we couldn’t speak to her but I did tell her that Logan is getting the help he needs, he is safe and that he is planning on moving out of our place and moving somewhere else. Both of his parents seem to think he’s stupid and he doesn’t know how to take care of himself which is kinda sad if you ask me. He has done pretty good while he’s been here. My husband has been trying to get him out of the house like going for a walk or yesterday we took him to get some groceries for himself because right now he’s not working so we bought him some. He seems willing to do it and possibly tomorrow they are going to go for a walk somewhere. So yea not looking forward to the court date in August but I did save all the text messages and I plan on going to the police department on Monday after work to get the police reports from the day he came barging into our apartment, then another time he called the police and they came to our apartment wondering where he was and the third one was when he was continuing to threaten me but they hadn’t served him yet. Otherwise I’m working Monday through Thursday doing a summer school for disabled kids. The ages range from Pre-K to high school. I’m working through the park district doing art. Then in July I will be working through school district for regular summer school with all the other kiddos. The student I’m supposed to be is autistic, I believe is a male, doesn’t have behavior issues or is a runner but for some reason I have to ride a big yellow bus with them to and from camp. The good thing is hopefully I may get to ride with my husband because he’s going to be driving for summer camp but we don’t know yet. I did ask the guy if I could ride with my husband to the bus terminal, clock in at the terminal and then go to whatever bus the student was going to be riding on because then I don’t have to leave my car in some neighborhood. We are going to be starting training for July summer school on July 5th so hopefully I will find out some details. I tried to email the guy but he wouldn’t answer that email but emailed me some other stuff so I’m a little worried that he’s trying to hide the reason but I will find out soon. Then I go back to working for park district for August summer camp with the disabled kids again and then towards the end of August we start back for regular school so unfortunately not a lot of time to enjoy summer but that’s the “fun” part of being a para.  Hoping everyone else is enjoying their summer and doing fun stuff. I still get out and take photos. I have a group on facebook if anyone is interested in joining. (10) my nature pics | Facebook

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June 25, 2023

I’m glad you’re relatively safe and that you’ll be helping kids who really need your help.  I have a disabled granddaughter who is 3 and I know I would feel good about you being her teacher.


June 27, 2023

@novembercirese I love disabled kids probably because my brother is mentally handicapped . I especially love downs kiddos and kids in wheelchairs even though for me it’s tougher to work with non verbal probably because I love to talk. I’m real with the kids and I was told I don’t have a filter but I feel like I do to a point or else I would probably have angry parents calling me all the time. I appreciate you saying that though even though I’m not  a teacher just a lowly para or teacher assistant for short.