yesterday was fun!

hahaha rittttttte.

well I woke up and went to class to take my final. I thought it was kind of nice outside, I Didnt really need my jacket.

When I came out of my class though, shit it was so cold.

So I came home and it was starting to rain, went to the post office. I had to send a letter to kosovo and everyone told me it would cost more, but still it was only 33 cents..the lady thought I was stupid. ::shrugs shoulders:: oh well.

So, my roommate and I watched tv, and its started to rain, the rain turned to freezing rain. FUN.

I went out like an hour before work to start my car and scrape the ICE off. hehe. And well my doors were completely frozen shut. So I sprayed the de-icer stuff audra had..hehe..and i sprayed it in my eyes.

yea, so went to work in the freezing rain. such a wonderful day. BLAH. at least most of the parents came early.

Where I worked wasnt too bad, they had most the roads nicely plowed and salted. But coming back to where I live really sucked. They dont do shit for the roads.

heh tried to roll down my window to open the gate, but my window was stuck shut. oops.

Blah, I went online and found out that I owe $204 in, oh..two days. So I called my mom to tell her..and she was just like’ll have to pay it. LUCKIE ME.

She also told me that they (in chicago) already had like 11 inches of snow and it wasnt suppose to stop till the next morning. I wanted to be there 🙁

yep yep.

So I kind of cut last night or something. My pain tolerance has gone down a LOT. thats all I have to say about that. Either that, or when you’re actually upset and doing it, it doesnt hurt as much.

I couldnt wake up this morning. It was very hard. Egh forgot I still need to shower.

God damn, its only 9 degrees outside rite now. Wind Chills of like -25 to -15 er some shit like that.

I really dont want to go outside. Really dont want to go to work. I think Id rather sleep all day long.

Blah what is wrong with me.

So I totally bitched out this guy tonight. And If I see him in sui again I’ll do it again.

egh, yea..saw some old people I used to talk to all the time in sui. I should not be in there..or talking to those people.

bad things.

I really dont want to be the person I am. But..I really dont know what to do to change that.

ah well. someday.

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Please don’t undervalue yourself. If you feel that you shouldn’t be in sui, then don’t be in there. Do what you know is good for you. No matter what choices you make–I care!