the moment?

Do you ever get brought back to a time….a lone time ago…that you just wish you could go back to?

like, talking to someone you used to talk to….that feeling you got…how they made you feel.

theres this person i used to talk to online, and eventually met in person…and for reasons that should not have been…i couldnt stand talking to him anymore.

when we used to talk, its was like the world stopped and only us two were the existing.

at the time, he was the only person in the entire world that i would want to talk to at any given time. he was the one i ran to when i needed someone, to cry on, to listen, to hold me, to tell every important detail of my every minute and every day.

i always though, at the time, that if i ever lost this person that if something happened and we never talked again. that i would die. i thought my world would end. i couldnt stand the thought.

i cried over this person for months..i longed for this person..i prayed for this person..everything i felt and anything that i wanted was connected to this person, at this time.

and then one day out of the blue, i just decided i was done. that i didnt need this person anymore. not once did i think that maybe, just maybe this person needed me too…and felt all the same things i did. i jsut let it go…not questioning it…not caring what would happen.

are people so cruel…are we all so heartless…that at a drop of a pin…we can just let go of it all. just turn our backs on the one thing that has been true?

i dont like thinking this is how we all are. but all to often i see and all to often…i myself experience it…either in the giving or the recieving end.

i just dont know…

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