stupid stuff

i have a damn headache. what else is new huh? im sick again too, fucking health.

i think its funny when people ask, how are you. what a dumb question. do they want you to answer it honestly.

im in my new apartment. we got a phone during the week. so i can get online now.

work has totally been sucking. my bosses are assholes. and thats the only reason im not liking it right now. i should just kick them.

its really weird being online in a room thats has windows and isnt completely black. reminds me of my apartment in st louis.

sometimes i wish that i could go back to living in st louis again with audra. i miss her, and i miss our friendship. ive talked to her a couple times, we went out once. but it just wasnt the same. something changed. one of us changed.

i hate not being happy.

i wish tiffany could come back and visit. i wanna see her and madisyn again. i miss them. we dont talk nearly as much as we used to. thats probably my fault, im an ass what can i say.

my sister moved into my parents house. now all my mom, dad, or other sister can bitch about is her. im sick of it. im sick of listening to them bitch, like its my fault she moved in. yet, they do blame me, cause my sister wanted me to get an apartment with her and i wouldnt, and then i moved out, so there was space there.

stupid shit.

im talking to some gurl i used to talk to in sui. its really weird. sometimes i wonder why people even bother trying to stay in touch. we have nothing to talk about.

*shrugs* i guess im gonna go now.

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September 28, 2002

they stay in touch w/ you cause they like you… and I hope u start feeling better soon *hugs* also, thanks for the birthday wishes:)