
i dont know what to write.

im all sick again.

i hope that it go aways soon. ive got blistery things on my throat that hurt. and every once in a while i have a bad earache.

i went out last night and saw The Others. it was a weird movie. kinda like sixth sense. the end is totally not what you expect, but you kind of do. because throughout the whole movie you’re sitting there trying to understand it and coming up with a million different things that it could be, and you pick the one it is and then change ur mind. lol.


i dont hang out with my friends much. but it doesnt really bother me. i dont really feel like hanging out. i feel so much older than them whenever im with them. ive always felt that way. bu i dont know why that is. its weird.

they want me to go out tonight, but i really dont know if i even want to. for one i dont feel good. two, last night after the movie i went over there and all anyone did was fight and drink, and i fell asleep. three, mike and lori are a ‘couple’ now. yuck, i cant believe she’d date someone who would sit there and call one of her ‘best’ friends a cunt.

i miss st louis.

i have to do laundry. its annoying, cause living here i dont feel i “have” to do it. because i can always just wash the things i want dried. and in st louis it was like, i had to pay to wash my clothes so id have to wash them all together and get it over with. *kick*

i want to just stay home tonight and do nothing.

i love doing nothing. i love being alone. but at the same time i know that i should be going out and maybe trying to meet new people. or just have fun with my friends.

after work ijust like to be by myself. i like to relax.

im so cold. i just want to get into my pajamas. lol. but then i know lori will call me and be like, we’re gonna do this…blah blah, and it will sound all fun and i wont go cause i wont want to get dressed. lol.

tiffany isnt online. how ickie. lol. i want to go shopping but there is no one to go shopping with. im bored.

i think that tiffany should come live here, and im gonna keep looking at apartments to maybe see if theres any good priced ones. well, thats even if shed want to come here. but we’re pretty much have to have everything read, like work n stuff. cause i couldnt pay it all on my own.

ooooh you know whats fun. lol. i have a mirror next to me and its fun to look in it while im typing. lol. im weird.

im doing laundry, and trying to clean my room. my sister just called me and asked me to babysit in three weeks, i said yes, but i know when the time comes im gonna be all. grrrrrr about it. and lori just called and asked if i was going over there. and i dont think that i will, i already changed and yea its cold out.

next week its suppose to be in the 60’s i cant wait. im looking forward to the warm weather. in a couple weeks the girl i work with is going on vacation. and then in the beginning of may she is going to montana, therefore quiting.

the director wants to quit, charlie the van driver quit on thursday, and if the director quits then the assistant director is going to quit, and if they all quit the 2 yr old teacher krysten wants to quit. nice, lol, makes me feel like i should be wanting to quit. the only reason i would, would be if managment type stuff changed completely, cause right now they’re so laid back. so im scared about that.

but the good thing is, im going to get my CDA soon, which is a dollar raise, and then when i become the head teacher in may that will be another raise. and they are going to need people to learn van runs, and if i want, that will be another raise..that ones not quite as big but still a raise is a raise. right now im at 8.50 which i didnt know, i thought i was starting at 8. so thats cool. and in may my hours may possibly change from 9am-6pm to 7am-4pm. which is awesome because for one i can actually have an evening. and two, i can get overtime if they need me past 4. so my job is going well. i love it.

i think my first load of laundry is done, so im gonna go throw the next in. hehe. lucky me. and im gonna go.

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I hope you feel better!