…nothing really.

i hate my life, seriously. im tired of it.

work has been totally sucking lately. i hate being there, i hate thinking about having to be there. i want to work somewhere else, but at the same time i dont want to.

plans for christmas got totally messed up, my family is gay i tell you.


my back is sore.

so yea anyway, my life sucks. always has. hehe.

i want tiffany to come back online.

my sister is being a psycho bitch again. she took nathan to the doctor to see if he is add, or adhd. she is such a psycho. so when she took him to the doctor the doctor wanted to test him for a whole bunch of stuff because in the past 2 yrs, he has only gained 2 pounds.

but yea.

so today he had to stay home from school because he had a bad toothache. adn she took him to the dentist and he has to have one of his wisdom teeth pulled. cause my sister never brushes his teeth, and never makes him brush them.

blah blah.

today at work we had to get pictures taken. it sucked. but i got a picture of me and alexis (my neice) and myself. hopefully they turn out well.

raah. well anyhow. im gonna go.

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