“love is never enough.”

thats what i heard tonight. it doesnt matter that it was only in the movies. but what was said is the truth.

the truth is you can love someone to death and nothing will come of it. you can hand someone your heart, you can do everything you think you can do, and its still not enough.

the truth hurts. i think i always believed that if i loved someone then that would make up for it all, that that would equal out all the bad. i always bleived that love was enough, and as i get older, i find out that love isnt all there is.

sometimes you can just give and give, and recieve a little. and then you think that everything will work itself out, but that isnt what happens. sometimes things just arent meant to be. you have to work to find what is meant to be.

i think some people realize that they have something so good and it scares them, and i think that they find any reason that they can to get away from it. whether they truely think that it is the right thing to do or not.

you work to build something, and that work doesnt only take a little time. it takes years, and if you cant give it years then it will never work out. and quite possibly nothing will ever work out, not the way it should be.

some things can be so perfect, and from the outside they seem so wrong. and if you keep looking from the outside, soon everything you’re seeing will seem so wrong.

many, in time, lose focus of what it is they were trying to achieve in the first place, because they spent so much time looking at what wasnt happening instead of what could happen.

it doesnt matter to me if i make any sense or not. i make complete sense to myself, i know exactly what it is i am saying. and many others will too, one reason i dont want to post.

i havent written in a long time because i felt i didnt want anyone to know me, i didnt want to talk about my life anymore. but everyday comes and goes, and i feel like i have more to say than i did the day before. and i have no one to say them to, so i will begin saying them to my diary again.

im a different person now. much has happened that has changed, and im glad for it. if you cant give something a chance, then you’ll never know what it could have been.

and i dont want to live my life always wondering, what would it have been like if….

you know the sentence, everyone has it.

well anyhow, i will be going now.

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November 9, 2001

your back. ive missed you. this is Donny i just changed my diary name, in case you didnt know. bye now.

I am glad you are back..you know that I’ve missed you writing here and I am happy you can let people into your life again even if it’s via the computer screen. Take care and we will talk soon. HUGS

hehe..the movie inspired you 😡 love is a weird thing and i myself don’t believe in that emotion most people call love..(heh i just noticed the lil character counter goes down when i write and it’s funny) what i want is more of a friendship, i want to love the guy as a friend..and then i want all the other relationship stuff to be part of that love.. anyways, i’m glad u’ll be writing aga

i’ve been writing in livejournal, but just friends-only stuff b/c it just feels too open writing there.. and i’ve been considering going back to od, and maybe i will.. i also stopped writing for awhile b/c i didn’t want anyone to know me, i don’t know why.. it also gets hard to have all this stuff up when you don’t feel it anymore, you know? are you having fun moving rite now? 🙂 <P

RYN: Of course I still read, honey. I have missed your writing. thanks for all the support you give me. Even at a time when you didn’t feel comfortable writing in your own diary, you left notes in mine…Thanks. I know just what you mean in this entry, too. That’s why I am here, in CO. I couldn’t stand the thought of always wondering “what if”.

I thought about you when I was driving through St. Louis, but didn’t know how to get in touch with you for a visit. Maybe next time, okay? {{{hugs}}}