::looks at pictures::

i want to kill myself.

but i keep thinking about all the people who ‘care’ about me..who i amy hurt.

and then i think about those who have been telling me they care, but they arent here.

they arent trying to find out how i am doing.

i just thought seriously about killing myself..

and i would.

i really really would.

but i feel so quilty about it.

why cant i just feel okay. why do i have to hurt.

i have no one.

i have lost everyone … i always lose everyone.

i dont want to be sad anymore.

but theres only one way to fix that.

and it will hurt everyone else.



(I want to clarify, that I do not write these type of entries for attention, and anyone who thinks so can fuck off)

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I AM HERE FOR YOU!! I feel the same way right now…drop me a line at dawgg606@yahoo.com—Jade

*hug* awwe hun everyone feels like that sometimes but ill tell you from personal expereince (and ive been through a HELL of alot) it does get better! Hang in there…im here if u wanna talk! *hug*


I really do care. I wish I were there to give you real support. I would call if I had your number. Contact me at NotYourAverageBlonde@opendiary.com–I promise not to dump you.

smile. you ARE wonderful; you are a great person and the world would be less than it is without you. don’t let the hurt sink you…the game is to rise above it…*hug* wishing for the best for you,

terri, although we haven’t talked in a while…it doesn’t mean i’m not there for you. i hope you do not really believe that i’ve left you twisting in the wind. call me when you can, i’m at home. i love you. -Kirk

nobody.. isn’t it funny how these enteries receive more notes? SOME people do “really” care though, I think.. though a lot are fckheads.. I don’t know what I’m saying.. sry.

hm. looks like u got attention..kinda funnie..people care all the time, but onlie leave notes when u talk about actuallie killing urself..yes..interesting..