just too tired.

yea yea yea.

so i think that i am driving to chicago this weekend. oh I cant wait!!


so, yea I really need to get my car fixed.

I was having the most, ickiest(if that isnt a word it is now) day today. Nothing liked me at all.

School, completely sucked. My professor talked about the most pointless things that had nothing at all to do with psychology. Im so tired of waking up for that class.

I came home, and..did nothing. haha. Then I went to work. Well the kids were all just..ARGH..today. They were all arguing with each other, and I just let them..I really didnt care.

So I come home to a *wonderful* phone bill in my mail box. OoOh, I was so excited about it. (not).

Lets see, I started realizing how poor I am. And how I dont have money to pay for anything, so I started to cancel AOL. But then, I had a thought, and that thought was..I work everyday and go online everyday. What would I do without AOL. lol. so Im keeping it. its only an extra 22 a month I dont have. lol.

Yep yep. So, I made dinner, still thinking about my bill and how I’ll pay it and the next ones to come. haha.

I ate, talked online, then I made myself cry by accident..well I read something I knew would make me cry. lol. yep.

So, then audra reminded me it was free laundry day. So I thought hell, at least something is free..so we didnt a few loads of laundry.

You’d be surprised how free laundry day can um..’brighten’? someones day. lol.

yep. we went to the store at like 11:15pm it was fun. in between laundry and the store though, it felt like everything was against me and going wrong.

but whatever. doesnt matter.

Im just going to go to sleep. And pretend like um..today never happened? rite. thats what ill do.

hehe, I cant wait to see my nephews, but I dont want to drive there. yuckie.

alrite..I’ll go.

stupid entry.

Log in to write a note

that’s lovely

No matter how many bills…always keep something for yourself.

Not a stupid entry at all! My daughter is having some of the same problems as you, sweetie! I think it just goes with being a college student! Are you in Kansas City?

i definintely understand unpaid bills *shudder* but hey…the day may’ve sucked ass, but tomorrow will be better…i’m sure of it. *hug* sleep well…

lol. just face it terri.. its not the laundrie that brightened ur day, its the foreigners u got to see, the hot guy who gave us a quarter, touching sum other gurls underwear..yes.. those were wut really made it fun. 🙂

!!!! Money sucks! They need to redistribute the wealth to the artists and students!

::stares. blinks. signs.:: -Kirk#237

February 15, 2001

free laundry is cool

ugh. being tired sucks

If you did not like what you read, then don’t read it anymore. But please don’t critisize me u have no right to do that! You are just some stupid moron who has nothing better to do!

can you help me? I’m having a crisis and I don’t know what to do

it’s joe

Hey this is not a stupid entry okay my sister has the same deal as u do. she has 3 kids, in collage, many bills 2 pay, lives in an apartment (but its a nice apartment not a bad one lol) a computer, and alot of BAD THINGs happen 2 her. Im saying ABUSE, her grandpa milusting her, being with jerks. so hon, ur not the only one out there suffering this. i feel ur pain. its okay. u can do it! have faith