ickie stuff..

ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh

::throws up::

I think I might.

Next time I want to drink and have fun, remind me of the ickiness you feel afterwards.

Everything felt fine while laying in bed lastnite before passing out..but OUCH when I woke up..bad feelings…

lol. headache..stomache ache…more headache..mouth ache..argh..I could go on and on and on.

Make it go away. Hehe..

well anyhow..happy new year or something..even though..chances are it wont be all that happy.

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Happy New Year to you. I was just flipping through some of your entries and some are filled it seems with such horribly deep dark suicidal thoughts etc.. Maybe this is a dumb question but lots of times that continua

continual depressed state is from some chemical thing going on in the brain. There are remedies that can totally bring you out of such a dark cloud 🙂