hehe i have no idea.

yea..ok..so I didnt go to bed until like 8:30 this morning. I really couldnt sleep last night, for so many reasons.

But I woke up at 1pm. Lucky me I must say. Last weekend when I did this I at least slept until 7pm. It was so nice. When I woke up it was all dark out..today..its still lite..and there is still too much of today to go through.

I was really not that great last night. My ex boyfriend came on and was talking to me and he told me my old friend said hi. So I asked where she was, cause I have not talked to her in a verrrrrry long time. So I IMed her. But we didnt have too much to say, until I said I would talk to her another time or something, and she said something like “alrite, NoBody”. It was great, because a veery long time ago I asked her to call me that. And no matter how many people yelled at her for it or told her it was wrong, she still did. ANd that brought on a whole bunch of conversations and we talked until 8am. It was really cool cause I was just wondering what happened to her the other day.

I also went into sui last night. I met some ‘cool’ new people and this one gurl 🙂 hehe. She lives in Chicago..and hates it just the same as me. So we have something to talk about lol. I guess I really shouldnt be going into sui anymore. I must be a cool person, I dont know why after getting the strength er whatever to pull myself away/out of sui , I keep going back. Because that whole place is just wrong.

I dont really know.

Im gonna go eat my brownie now, cause it is sitting next to me and it just looks so damn good. lol. although, I just ate a big bowl of cin. toast crunch. Hmmm time to get fat.


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i want a freakin’ brownie too:) but then again enough sugar for this little girl LOL take care always