
Why do people have to be assholes.

I dont understand, but I am so sick and tired of it. When will it ever fucking end.

lori, I need the mega-fucking-bullet. right now.

Allan is an ass. I swear. And Ive known this for a very long time, yet I keep trying to be his friend.

Its like, this letter he wrote me a while back, was just a polite way to say fuck off, I want nothing to do with you. (even though it said he’d really like us to become good friends, lies).

But yea. So I guess he is leaving for school tomorrow, even though he told us all he’d be leaving on the 14th. Or something like that anyway. And today he told me to call him and he wasnt home, so he called later, and said hed hang out with us tonight. Well at 9:30 he wanted me to pick him up, and then said he had to be home at 10 to pack for tomorrow.

So when we left the Cup (my friends work) he gave everyone a hug and said by, I drove him home, and he just gets out of the car and says “Bye!”

yep. whatever.

I was the only person, well besides mike, who went to visit him after he got in the bad car accident. And that was even the day after he was an ass and lied about calling me and hanging out.

Yea. so well on a funnier note. Mike and I were fighting last night, and lori and chrissy go “shit there goes the loving”. And so I watned to know what the fuck they meant by that, and they had decided that Mike and I were going to hook up sometime. HELL NO. god, Im so sick of everyone thinking and wanting me to hook up with everyone. Im tired of it, I hate it. I dont want to and Im not going to hook up with anyone.

yea, so I went to the dentist yesterday and I got some vicodin, cause my damn tooth hurts more now that it ever did before.

Yea, so I think I might just drink tonight. I keep thinking theres something I have to do tomorrow, but I cant think of what it is, so hm…i dont know. Oh well.

Im in a really bad, sad, depressed, annoyed, angry, hateful mood right now.

people should disappear.

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