

How long can someone be throwing up and just being sick for before they can even try to help!? lol.

i have been sick since last wednesday. its insanely annoying.

im so tired. cause everytime i try to sleep i get pukey feeling. and ive had a temp. of over 102, for the past 3 days. and the days before that it was either in the 100’s, or 101’s. and its giving me such a headache.

ahhhhh. i just wanna kill this flu. lol.

and eek. its so annoying because. i was finally feeling better yesterday, and my fever was down and i was for the first time in 3 days hungry. and blegh..my nephew had a hot dog and it smelled sooo good, so i ate it.

and im all thinking, yay. im better, nothing happened after i ate it. well its like, 9 and i get this severe pain in my stomache. and then like 30 minutes later, im puking up everything i ate. which wasnt a lot but. gross!!!

im so tired. so yea. im up all night last night. all weekend since sat at like 7am i had been laying in bed. and then i had to wake up at 5:30am this morning and go to work.

and i was working with the older children today. not much older, today i was working the the toddlers, and usually i work with the infant to – 14 months.

but damn. the toddlers are so much heavier, and they know how to walk and run. so you have to do so much more. and i was so sick i couldnt stand for more than like 2 minutes.

so i made it through today. yay. lol.

and i ate some real dinner, and havent thrown up yet. but last night when i layed down for bed is when i through up. so i’ll have to wait.

yea. so work is going well. im working at kindercare, and i work with the infants. i dont know if ive already wrote about that or not. i started last monday. and i work from 9am to 6pm. so really its kind of nice. the pay isnt TOO bad. and i will get a raise when i finish this one course thingie they want me to take. and then another raise in may whne i become the head teacher. *scared* im not sure i am ?responsible? enough to be a head teacher.

i kind of miss seeing mathew everyday though. and i miss playing with him everyday. by the time i get home my sister is usually getting ready to leave. and when i come home for my lunch break he’s usually in bed.

anyway. im gonna watch some tv and then head to bed. im so tired. hopefully there will be no more puking. id be so happy. lol.

yeap yep.

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March 18, 2002

I hope u don’t puke:)

March 19, 2002

I have had the exact same thing for about a week, sweetie. I hope we are BOTH feeling better soon! {{{hugs}}}