everything goes wrong.

well, i never wrote about last weekend. i dont think. but then again i could be wrong. i may have. its been one long week.

well, thursday night last week i spent the night with that guy im ‘seeing’. and then i went to work at 9 on friday. and i felt really weird, like sick. and i was freezing all day long, like shivering so bad i couldnt move. then i took my temp at like 1 and it was 100.8 and then again i took it at 2 and it was 102.5 and then at 2:30 it was 103.8. and i was at work, but they wouldnt let me go.

so i got off work at 4:15 and i went to sleep and woke up like 3 times and had the same temp, and i woke up for good at 8:30am the next morning, and my throat hurt so bad i couldnt do anything.

so i called the doctor got an appointment, it turns out i had strep and a bad ear infection.

he put me on amoxicillon and entex. and i was taking that for 3 days. and then on wednesday at work, i thought i was getting a uti. and so i asked to leave early. so i left early and went to sleep at like 2pm woke up at 8:30pm and then went out. well i spent the night at that guys house. and when we went to bed at 11 i got a really bad migraine and ended up in severe pain for like 3 hours..he was nice, he held my hand and got me ice, and asked if i wanted to go to the er. finally that went away and we fell asleep.

i woke up at 3 and had to go to the bathroom, so i go to the bathroom and almost cried cause it hurt so bad. but i forced myself to bed anyway, and then i had to go again at 4..well this time i went and there was a lot of blood. (not that anyone really wants to read that) so i called my boss and told her i couldnt come in. and then i woke the guy up and told him i had to leave. and i went home. my mom was there and i started bawling cause i couldnt walk it hurt so bad. then i had to pee again..and my mom looked at it and said it looked like it could be a kidney infection, or bladder or something.

yea so anyway. it was a reallly bad uti. and they put me on this medicine called Cipro, and they wanted me to keep taking the other meds too.

so two hours after i take the cipro i get this rash thing, it isnt a rash its like, red lumps all over my elbows and hands. and they hurt so bad.

well they got worse friday so they sent me home from work to go to the doctor..and the doctor didnt want to see me he juts told me to stop taking all meds. so i was mad cause i still had my uti. and i didnt want it to get worse. so i kept taking that. so this morning i wake up and its worse, like it all got bigger and its hurting and itchy. and now i have it on my knees and feet. and underarms. and now i have a new rash on my neck. im so mad.

i hate doctors i hate medicine. blahness. i just wanna crawl into a hole.

yea. thats my story. lol

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August 3, 2002

sorry bout the blahness take care of you!