disappointment n stuff

I don’t know what to do. I have no money. Im stuck in a dead end road.
I want to go to school. As of right now, I reallllllly want to take a Polish class. I want to learn to speak Polish. It is very interesting to me. Ive wanted to learn it for some time now. I have tried learning it on my own, only it is very complicated and stuff. So the best way for me to learn it is to take a class and learn through the teacher, other students, reading, writing, and speaking it with others. And I was really excited to find out that the college across the street has a Polish course starting this semester. only…now I dont have the money. And this is really the only time I will be able to take it, cause starting in a few months I will need to be working 2 jobs.
I wanted to ask my mom if she would help me out, and pay for my class. But now she can’t. She can’t because my dad has cancer again, and they are pretty sure its in the same area or around, that he had it last time. But this time, the doctor gave him two choices. He can either let it spread and die from it, or he can go through radiation for 6 weeks…..EVERYDAY. This means no work for him, and more work for my mom.
My mom has no money as it is. And she is paying my car insurance, cause when I switched jobs somehow I became “irresponsible” and wasnt able to afford it. But once my dad is starting his radiation treatments she will no longer be paying my insurance. Which is fine, I agree its my car and I am responsible for it.
But thats why I want to take this course now, cause he will be starting his treatment soon, therefore I will have to get another job to pay my insurance.
Its good though, I am going back to work for KinderCare, and I will be taking a course through them during work hours that will make me teacher qualified, which pays more.
I sooo want to go back to school. I want to keep learning, I want to take a bunch of different courses. But Im really excited and anticipating this Polish course.
I dont know what to do. The course is $144.00- thats really not a lot. But I hardly have half of that. *sigh* I cant really even ask anyone if I can borrow money, cause I really wont be able to pay it back anytime in the semi-near future. Not only that, I know noone who is able to lend me any.
I find something Im interested in, and I cant even go with it. I finally find something I reallly would like to do, and here I am totally discouraged because of my money situation. I have no time to make money or anything, the class starts monday. *sigh*

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