
ugh. yea. so i got to sleep in this morning until like 9:30. much better than waking up at 5:30. i felt a little more rested. especially since i went to bed late.

i just called my sister and asked her to bring alexis here because i forgot i had my colposcopy exam thingie today.

so i went there at 2. and i had to fill out all this annoying paper work, most of which i didnt even understand. so yea.

and then they weighed me, 106. yuck. but okay. and they took me to this room to get my whole friggen life history from me. lol.

and the nurse asked if i had a copy of the results of my papsmear that came back abnormal, and i gave it to her. and she said she wasnt sure if the doctor would want to get another papsmear done, or go on and do the colposcopy, and it also depended on what the insurance was willing to pay for.

so like 20 minutes later she comes in and says they’re going to do the colposcopy. and they needed urine(yuck) to make sure i didnt have any infections and wasnt pregnant. and she puts my in this room to put a sheet around myself and leaves me to sit and look at the damn equipment for 35 minutes.

finally the doctor comes in, he explains my results to me. 3rd time ive had that done. and then he explained what he would do.

he’d put the stupid clamp thingie in, and use the colposcopy (microscope thing) to look in me. and then he’d clean it with this solution which shouldnt hurt, and take some swabs to test, and then if he saw something he’d do a biopsy.

so, yea. clamps hurt, solution burned, he kept moving the stupid clamp which didnt feel good at all. the swabs hurt too, damn..he could have been more gentle. (im sure he was doing it gentle, but this is my inside stuff we’re talking about). and he saw a little area that had some changes in tissue and so he did the biopsy and cut a little piece off. yea, it shouldnt hurt at all. okay so it was PAINFUL. it just hurt. lol. a little. but enough to yea.

i had the option to watch it on the screen, and i told him no. but i could see it, and so i watched anyway, not when he cut a piece though.

so, not like anyone cares..but my lower tummy hurts. and the medicine he put on the piece he clipped feel likes its oozing out :x. and he said it will more than likely start bleeding lightly tomorrow. yuck yuck yuck.

ive just been really blah today. tonight mostly. its uncomfortable to think about what they actually did.

yea, well anyway. i came home and had to watch alexis and jullian.

alexis spit this big hurt ball of spit in jullians hair. i guess she didnt like that my sister was holding him. it was really funny,but gross too.

and he was pretty good today, he had a temp this morning of like 102. and she he went to the doctor and got blood taken, poor baby.

im tired.

we’re suppose to get a really big snow storm tomorrow. before the snow, we’re suppose to get an ice storm. should be fun stuff. in between 1 and 12 inches of snow. yay. i love snow.

jullian and i went to walmart some stuff. killed time.

his mom just picked him up, adn im going to go upstairs talk to my mom for a couple minutes..and then probably hopefully head to bed.

what a tiring day.

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January 29, 2002

I hope the results of your colposcopy turn out negative, sweetie. I don’t know why they tell you that stuff like that doesn’t hurt. They are pinching off a part of your girlie stuff…of course it is going to hurt!