
eh. ive been trying to write for the past couple weeks but, really ive had nothing to say.

i really still dont have much to say but yea. whatever.

i got a new car the other day. its a 2003 eclipse. everyone keeps giving me shit for getting it. but its mine so whatever. my dad tried to get me to return it yesterday, he can bite me.


i had a bad day yesterday. what else is new.

i got my hair highlighted on sat. its reallly blonde now. ill have to scan some pictures and post them somehow.

i havent been online much. probably cause i havent been home.

im gonna have to start working more, because im moving out next week and i just dont have money. i am now going to have to pay rent, car, insurance, phone. everything, which isnt anything bad, but i just havent paid that many bills in a while so im gonna have to get useed to not being able to shop.

im sick of my family.

only one more week and i get to move out. it should be cool. my family is driving me crazy, and if i dont get away from them then that wont be good.


i miss talking to you tiffany. its been such a long time since we’ve stayed up and had one of our all night talks. damn people to hell for taking that away. lol.

im tired. i want to go to sleep but i have to go back to work. thats okay, cause i am going to take a nap the minute i get home from work.

theres too much shit in my head. i just wish i could forget about everything for at least one day. im tired of thinking and of things being bad.

i talked to my old roommate yesterday. it was sad. its like i totally want back everything that we had, but i fucked that up. as always, cause i fuck everything up.

*kicks me*

nothing ever works out right, i dont know why i even bother sometimes.

*sad sigh*

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i have an eclipse – it’s an older one though, but i still love it – enjoy your new ride!