Stray Thunderstorm

Sydney, Sydney

It’s taken me a while to get around to it, but I have been über busy with work, and I’m afraid today is going to be no less hectic, so I’ll get this done.

Sydney was fantastic (as per usual) and I don’t know why I keep putting off going there as often as I do, but hey – shit happens and I’m a lazy, lazy person when I want to be.

So Jay and I arrived 9ish Friday night, met Lyle, who isn’t what I expected him to be (should I write that??) he is gorgeous though, and you’re very lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend, you deserve it! I also had the pleasure of meeting Scarlet and Bohemia, both little terrorists and both very objectionable to me patting their bellies, but beautiful non-the-less. The apartment also beautiful, though I’m not to sure about the location and having semi’s charging past your bedroom window at 4am on a Sunday morning!

So anyway, we unpacked our stuff, but were rooted from the trip, ended up taking an early one. Went out next day and shopped, though didn’t buy much, I wanted replacements for the water glasses I left behind ages ago, found them (on special!). Then went to my favourite of favourite shops; Lush. Alas, my soap has gone up in price to just shy of $10 a bar. *sigh* but what is money when you’re talking about Lush brand Soap? Oh the picture does it no justice, this soap is heavenly!

So anyways, we go out to dinner to a fairly new restaurant on King Street in Newtown; Rubyos, and might I say, if you’re a restaurant connoisseur, then you will absolutely adore this place. The food was orgasmic, the service wonderful and the price, well just right.

We left early Sunday morning as both our hosts had a christening to attend and then work later in the afternoon (on a Sunday!). Jay and I then went to meet his [Jay’s] ex. He seems like a nice enough boi, Jay had a few things that he needed to pick up. I have to admit, Jay has taste – he is cute!! (is that wrong?) yum! So after gawking, we head back to Canberra.

Nothing much has happened since, oh we picked up a stray dog last night, who ran away because of the thunderstorm, we bought her in, bought her some food, and a little food bowl to go with. She is adorable, I am going to call the pound today and get then to come and get her, check if she has been micro-chipped, if so she can go back home, if not then we might end up adopting her. I don’t know how practical it is in the place we are in at the moment, but she is a small dog, very well adjusted – which makes me think she comes from a good home. She slept in our bed last night. I also think she is an older dog too, she hasn’t barked at all, but does tend to whimper. I’ve nick named her Sally. We’ll go from there.

I should prolly get back to work; I have an exit interview and termination to prepare.


Song for the day: Timo Maas – First Day


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October 13, 2005

Nice weekend. I hope it works out for you with Sally, but you know how females can be. Your link to Rubyos doesn’t work.

October 13, 2005

RYN: “Unable to identify user or associated client id. To access this service you should ensure ‘cookies’ are enabled. For support please contact Intense Software Pty Ltd on 02 9712 4888 (Australia).”

October 13, 2005

Well, I am glad that you had a fun time in Sydney! The way my money sitch is going I won’t be able to afford a holiday in the next 20 years!

October 16, 2005

It was SO good to see you! i had such a wonderful weekend with you both – Lyle did also… Jay is wonderful, and you two make a adorable couple! KEEP THE DOG! heheeh xxxx

October 18, 2005

I love LUSH and I would love it even more in Sydney.

December 12, 2005

I love Lush. It’s got to be one of the busiest stores on Queen St. Mall. After City Beach (Where else will all the emo’s with too much makeup hang out?)