
He’s half African American and half German. Go figure how I managed to get Aboriginal.
And I have to say the sex is mind.blowingly.fantastic.snort. The snort is for emphasis, like when you laugh too hard.
I’ll let you figure it out.

We had to be gentle on Friday.

I had a wisdom tooth pulled out. Not exactly what I wanted to be doing with my time on Friday.
$510 later my mouth still hurt, but not in a rotting-tooth kinda way. I’ve been doped up on pain killers since.
I left it for so long for a lot of reasons, mainly being the pain from the first one was practically unbearable and swore I’d never do it again—unless I had to.
I woke early Thursday morning and could not get back to sleep and all the decent painkillers I had were not helping, so I trudged into work and spent two hours looking for a dentist that had time to fit me in that morning.

So my weekend was spent relaxing (and being serviced), and eating small bites of food here and there and watching TV.

Brenden and Jamie have become addicted to Revenge. I cannot believe IMDB rates this show at 8+. ZOMG this show is so horribly terrible it has no words. Vagina. That’s what it’s like, flange.

Australia day was kinda nice. A BBQ at Shanes with Luke and Michael.
I have to say for all his dorkyness, Michael is a bit of a spunk, bonus points for being a top. I made eyes at him and when we were outside having a fag I did all but offer my pink bits to him. He is now aware of my power-bottomness and he’s “intrigued”.
I’ve bookmarked him on Grindr and when I’m capable of sucking cock again, I’ll l[h]ook him up.
Um BBQ, good and stuff. We ate, talked, listened to music and chatted. Then I went home to meet up with hotness.

Came to work this morning and there was no power to the whole building, except, you guessed it. My computer and a few other essential systems. Which mean everyone was sitting around talking, except me.
Lucky huh.

And my co-working called in sick and the boss is interstate on business, so I’m running the department.

And I have a terrible ache in my mouth and there is no milk for coffee and I’ve generally got the shits.

I’m going to go now and work.


love, peace, happiness LPH

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January 29, 2012

Hope your mouth feels better. Stat!!

January 30, 2012

Ugh having mouth pain and not being able to suck on a dick really is a bummer. 🙁

January 30, 2012

I’m glad that even major dental work doesn’t keep you from getting a little on the side.

January 31, 2012

I’m pretty sure a nuclear war wouldn’t stop you from getting a little on the side.

January 31, 2012

As long as its before the 20th of April, I’m in!

January 31, 2012

oh sweety “I did all but offer my pink bits to him” << THIS cracked me up laughing!! 😀 I have to admit I too am a Revenge fan haha – I’ve seen every episode so far. Episode 12 is the best 🙂 I’ve gotten Sheldon into it as well. Bits of it annoy me – I dont understand all the business-talk and laywer terminology, but I do love Madeleine Stowe who plays Victoria Grayson- best actress I’ve seen in a loooong time 🙂

February 1, 2012

ryn: Yes sweety, Sheldon and I arrive tomorrow evening sometime 🙂 Lay out the rainbow carpet! 😛

February 1, 2012

Ugh, I hate having dental problems. Luckily, I only have eight real teeth left and they’re on the bottom.

February 1, 2012

RYN: I’m going to Cairns 🙂