Australian Idol Sucks!

God damn it why do they have to bring it back… Now I have to suffer through this stupid show for the next 6 months. Jay watches it religiously and I can’t stand it.
I move into the computer room and plug in the headphone, turn the music up and think happy thoughts… Ironically, I’m listening to the first Aus. Idol winner’s newest release… Like it like that… I won’t tell Jay.

Waiting for pizza too… mmmmm Cheese and garlic bread pizza.

What has been happening? Not much spent this weekend cleaning the house and FINALLY getting the last of the party crap out of my house, I only had to scream and yell to get it done.

Still waiting for pizza.

School is good, lots of stuff to remember the first two weeks I had a headache after classes because there was so much to remember. Now I’m getting into the swing of things and it’s all good. Alas no fag or cute bois to perve on, but that just means I’m paying attention instead of fazing out ala Ally Mcbeal but more XXX, I’m sure you’ve got good enough imaginations to figure that bit out.

Father’s day is coming up and papa wants computer games… who asked for computer games for a present? I went shopping for several hours yesterday to try and find something that he would be interested in and that his limited…. very limited, computing skills would allow him to play without a phone call every day asking repetitive questions. I went with general trivia, card and board game styles. Hoyle makes an abundance of interesting stuff.
Mounted the TV on the wall, finally bought a new surround system (decent one). NO MORE! And blu-ray player for the bedroom. Klipsch – synergy nothing fantastic, but still set us back 4.5k. As the TV is now mounted on the wall we had no use for the old entertainment unit, so bought something a little less intrusive. Obviously a new amp to accommodate all the extra hdmi inputs.
A popcorn hour to facilitate the watching of computer stuffs.
A new buffet, this came cheap as the import place we obtained it was going broke. Triangular in shape makes a good talking point.

I will get pictures to share at a latter date.

PIZZA IS HERE! Ciao till next time.

Song for the day:
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ *LPH*

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August 9, 2009

I was wonder what had become of you. Hmmm, pizza….

August 9, 2009

We’re very much alike – I hate American Idol, yet Derek loves it. Wil

August 10, 2009

LOL. You were way excited about that pizza! heh. 🙂 I hate American Idol too! There was one season where I got into it, I suppose because I could find nothing better to watch… but I really dislike the show in general. I think it’s freakin dumb!!! ugh. xoxo<3

August 10, 2009

screaming and yelling is a good motivational technique. ask my pastor.

August 11, 2009

I don’t mind it, as long as it has at least one cute guy

August 15, 2009

I hate American Idol… although the “is he/isn’t he” drama of Adam Lambert did provide some fun moments!

August 24, 2009

I miss you! You went back to school? Love,

August 25, 2009

Believe me, American Idol is no esthetic prize, either.