Zomby-Timmy Theme #3
- Which movie character best describes your inner self?
Since this is limited to “movie” characters, this is really easy. Spock.
Ah, Spock. For a time, I wanted to be exactly like him. You know, ignoring my emotions and evaluating situations purely analytically. To master this “logic” he spoke of. My Logic teacher actually brought up Spock’s use of the word “logic”. What Spock means by “logic” is actually closer to the meaning of “common sense” than any formal logic.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one.
What’s there to say? Oh, I’m supposed to relate Mister Spock to my “inner self”. If I really wanted to be an asswench, I could side-step the question entirely by denying a true inner self. But, I’ll refrain from foaming at the mouth with bullshit.
Spock is the Dick Cheney of Star Trek, except he has is own heart. (And he’s not a Republican. I think Evil Spock would be Republican. *nods*) Oh sure, Kirk makes the big decisions, and is really good at being melodramatic, but we all know Spock is the one that thought everything out beforehand to make sure the Enterprise isn’t destroyed by OMGTHEREISAGIANTEVILCUBE!!!!! I’d go as far to say that Data is the mechanical embodiment of Dick Cheney. One of the many Rules of Star Trek is that none of the stars can die while Spock/Data are in their presence. (Because, we all know how often those guys in red die even when Spock is around…)
But while Data is robotic (nevermind the emotion chip he later gets), Spock clearly has a human core to himself, which he represses deeply. (Spock IS half-human, despite how insulting it is to him.) While repressing my emotions was never something I specifically thought of doing, it’s clear The Man has repressed them for me. I think it’s more than emotions. It’s action? Er, I’ll just get to the point. In one sentence, Spock’s desire for reunification of Vulcan logic and Romulan passion is not unlike my own desire for a balanced feminine and masculine personality. Think about it. I can’t help but find it ironic how the emotional Romulans are portrayed as violent, whereas the logical Vulcans are portrayed as being incapable of violence.
I admire Spock’s grace under pressure. I try to remain calm in all situations, as well. I strive to be as non-violent as possible. I try to do that which is most “logical”. Emotions do mean something, but not always something useful. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen both parts of The Reunification, so I don’t remember what the point of bringing Vulcans and Romulans together was, beyond simply restoring what once was.
I’m babbling. Live long and prosper.
Addendum: I’m going to include the order in which I love my Star Trek movies.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek VIII: First Contact
Star Trek IX: Insurrection
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek X: Nemesis
Star Trek VII: Generations
Star Trek I: The Motion Picture
excellent…. (goes off to watch his first Star Trek movie ever)
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I heard Vulcans don’t circumsize, thats why their ears are pointy.
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Spock…I am so not Spock…I need to think about this one, maybe I’ll do it. ryn: I know I’m still in the application phase, that’s why I need to worry about it now…I’ll have to accept one or the other once I hear from them. I’m almost guaranteed to get in both of them, especially U of A. But. I have the day off tomorrow. I WILL NOT WORRY. Yes.
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Breath deep, seek peace.
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Yeah, I love the “but it just looks better” arguement too. When it’s hard, I barely notice the difference. It’s a tiny piece of skin, get the hell over it and think about the fact that men that aren’t circumcised would never choose to have it done. They like their foreskin intact. If it wasn’t supposed to be there, men wouldn’t be born with it. Sheesh. <3
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Exactly. I mean, hell, no man’s penis looks great shriveled up, cut or not. If someone notices a huge difference when the guy’s hard they’re looking too much and not enjoying enough. *nods* <3
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RYN: Bleh. Those misconceptions are going to stay as long as circ is still at such a high number (even the 60% RIC rate is too high here, though it’s falling – not fast enough) and as long as there are people who believe it. As long as the only thing that people have known is the “look” of a circ’ed man they’ll think that’s “normal” and looks “better” That’s the only argument(C)
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you can’t get anywhere with, it’s hard to argue opinions. Unfounded as they are…although they do remind me somewhat of 14 year olds who think that you can get pregnant by touching a guy with their clothes on…heh I’m sure if enough people believed that it would be a huge issue/argument as well @@ ~ajaye
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Star Trek movies. Hmm. I’ve never seen any, even though they’re on Sci Fi all the time. Then again I lost interest in the series after TNG. *strokes the place where a beard would be if she had one* I’m trying to find balance too. Trying to work with “feelings.” Bah. I’m sure it’ll get easier in time. I was all about spock. Tra la. *poof*
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RYN: Quantum mechanics is god? I’d have thought quantum mechanics is the devil messin’ with my head. Anyhoo. Thanks for reading.
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Dude, You NEED to get some sleep!!! LOL! 🙂
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I always wanted to have sex with a Vulcan. I mean can you imagine the dexterity and arcane sexual postures. What with that MYSTICALHANDGESTURE and all. Yeah, gimme some pon-farr, baby.
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ryn: Yes, boobies do rule the world… but mine are fast becoming a whole NEW world… lol. thanks for noting!!
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Khan was BY FAR the best. —
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My dad is a huge Star Trek fan. We went to Florida for a week and spent one whole day watching a Star Trek marathon. When me and my brother were little we used to put on my dads boots and fill them with powder so we could get powder all over ourselves and we’d pretend we were Data.
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I don’t know how you can rank part V above any other of the movies except part I!! Final Frontier better than First Contact?!!? Better than the Voyage Home?!!?
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Ummmm, now’s probably not a good time to admit I hate Star Trek, right?
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Spock is the coolest. I thought I’d pop in and say Hello. I used your readers password. Hope this finds you fine and doing well. Much love and respect. Monica
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RYN: You sweet boy. I only kissed the DM’s ass. The tongue was saved for another, much sweeter ass. And yes… *hangs head* You’re right.
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RYNRMN: I don’t doubt that he does; but it wouldn’t be as sweet as the one I’m talking about. Oh well… to each his own, right?
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OH yeah…..quizdiva is just a bunch of porn. I mean…..you’re looking at the quizzes, and there are dirty pictures all over the place. But…..quizzes are fun to do, just to waste time, so….I do them, even though they aren’t very good quizzes. :-p
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awwwww….you’ve never gotten an answering machine message from a girl?? Poor guy. :-/ Well….I know your name and address, but I don’t know your phone number, or I’d call and leave you a message. :-p
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RYN: Nothing happens in Final Frontier. They go find God and kill him. The end. Stupid stupid stupid premise. First Contact wasn’t like the series because it had action and not so much technobabble. I liked it because Picard got to deal with feelings he didn’t usually have to deal with. Insurrection was more like the series, I agree, but to me that was the problem with it.
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It was like an extra long episode, not really anything special enough for a film. Voyage Home was less of a chick flick and more of the comedy of the ST movies. Saving the whales, yeah, it was a little silly. But they just went through Spock dying and Kirk’s son dying so a lighter touch was in order. One thing we do agree on, Wrath of Khan was the best.
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RYN: Okay, okay, nothing of any importance happens in that movie then. Nothing changed. What was the point? It just made no sense to me.
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RYNRMNRYNRMN: What do YOU think it tastes like?
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Hehe. Spock.
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ryn: I know, but he’s completely ignoring it. It may be selfish, but I’d at least like “I’m sorry your ear hurts.” Rather than, “oh wait, you went to the audiologist today? For what? Oh, okay.”
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ryn: I think you’ll have good luck on Judgment Day, looking like Jesus and all. 😛
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*blink* *blink* What is THAT?
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ryn: But wouldn’t god know who you are, anyways? It would be more like “Oh, not you. Go away.” 😛
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ryn: Oh, dude, I read your note wrong. I’m a freak. If Spock grew his hair out, would he look like Jesus?
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Huge weiner!
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ryn: You loooooove ZW. you looooove him. Spock is kind of an arrogant nutbag really. But, he’s also mysteriously cool. and when he breaks his leg, he barely flinches.
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Ron Moore stayed in my house once. He smells funny, kinda like what I expect you smell like.
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