Zomby-Timmy Theme #1
ZOMBY-TIMMY THEME #1: Describe your first kiss ever, as graphically and explicitly as possible.
I’m actually going to be cheap a little bit and copy something I’ve already written. However, I’ve edited it slightly for clarity. The original can be found in Project Timmy, which I seem to have not worked on in ages.
On Saturday, September 25th, 1999, Timmy asked out Angel. His first girlfriend. There is written elsewhere, in disgusting detail, the story of that night. However, obviously, the setting of this entry is a few days later, on September 29th. A Wednesday. Timmy was still in the beginning stage the only “Junior Year” he’ll ever recognize. He had just turned 16 the August before.
That Saturday, in it’s own virtue, had changed Timmy already. Regardless of the relationship, Timmy had a girlfriend. By merely being near her, his feelings for her grew. Fast. That is the story of this relationship, after all. Strong. Fast. But, this was just the beginning of the month. Sunday, Timmy felt weird that he wouldn’t see his ‘girlfriend’ until the next day. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Timmy decided to get into some sort of routine. But, something was missing. He wanted to kiss Angel, but he couldn’t do it randomly in school. Nervousness would overcome him.
Today would be a very special day for Timmy. Without any other experience, he knew that they should hang out after school. Seeing each other in school isn’t much. All they had was lunch together. Angel was the only girl in a table consisting of asses. (Read: Guys) They needed their time alone. So, Timmy took Angel’s bus home. He had his arm around her. They walked, holding hands to her house.
What to do, he wondered. Timmy couldn’t just pounce on her, he needed time. They watched TV for a time. Timmy decided to let his hands wander onto her breasts to test his boundaries. You got it, Timmy was touching Angel’s boobs before he had even kissed her. “Oh. She’s.. not.. stopping me” he thought to himself. He was surprised. He was always under the impression that girls didn’t like being touched. He moved his hands away from her boobs and relaxed a bit. She was in his arms, and so he enjoyed it.
That’s when Lou randomly showed up at the door. The couch was facing the front door, so they noticed him immediately. Randomly, they walked around the block. Angel and Timmy subtly flirted. There was a middle schooler who harassed them, Get preppy and get popular! Lou pleaded with Timmy to save him from the heathen. After all, the little punk was on a bike. They eventually made it back to Angel’s house.
They were in Angels room for a time, and Lou was making an ass out of himself while Angel and Timmy sat next to each other on her bed. By now, Timmy wished Lou would go away. Lou’s final scene for the day was on the porch. Timmy put his foot up on something, Angel put her foot on his, he put his on hers, and she put hers on his. Lou looked at them funny for being so cutsie. Eventually, Lou left on a skateboard, Angel and Timmy sitting on her front stoop.
She said So, what do you want to do?, and there was silence. You know what kind of silence. Timmy had his arm around her, and he knew that it was time. When he came to her house that day, he knew that he had to kiss her. He didnt know why, not pressure from anybody else, but pressure from himself. Maybe it was a combination of the two, maybe he thought it was what he was supposed to do. When they parted in school, he wanted to kiss her, but he couldn’t do it out of the blue in public. And here on her front stoop, Timmy knew he couldnt just kiss her out of nowhere. So he began stroking her arm like he had done before a couple times. That option explored, and the moment of truth was approaching.
He saw her licking her lips, and even without doing any research, he knew that meant she was thinking about kissing. It was time. Heart beating fast again, he knew he had to kiss her. He thought he was going to have a heart attack. He’d have to overcome his nervousness. Much like when he asked her out, he counted to three. He quickly reached over and kissed her. Their eyes held as he broke that first kiss. Their lips stuck together, slightly. They sat looking at each other. Timmy wasn’t sure what to do next. So, he kissed her again a second time. Kiss broken, they looked at each other again. On the third kiss, she slipped him the tongue.
They were making out on Angel’s front stoop. The rest of Timmy’s body froze. He was making out. It was happening. It was really happening. He didn’t want to break the kiss for fear of ruining the moment. The moment. His first tender embrace with a girl. His lower back started to hurt from the position, but he still didn’t want to break the kiss. Thankfully, Angel solved this problem when she broke the kiss. Taking him by the hand, she lead him into her room to continue the encounter.
They fell upon her bed and they continued where they left off. Naturally, they were interrupted at a few moments when Angel’s brother and sister came home. But, other than that, they had nothing to worry about. When Timmy mentioned how nervous he was when he first kissed her, she told him not to nervous. Making out, Timmy’s hands roamed her body. He put his hand under her shirt, feeling her belly. He had no intentions beyond that. Angel would deny so later, but he felt her push his hands up to her boobs. So Timmy took that as his sign that the hand was welcome. She lowered her bra a bit and Timmy felt breasts up-close-and-personal for the first time. However, at no point did either of them actually take off any clothes.
He didn’t expect to feel her up on this day. To him, the hope that he’d kiss her was optimistic. But, he was still nervous through the whole thing. It was certainly an experience. He felt he was lead to believe that kissing was a physical experience, that there would be incredible sensations on the lips. Timmy didn’t feel anything orgasmic on his lips. Instead, he simply felt closer to Angel. He felt an emotional surge unmatched in his meager lifetime. He was certainly surprised he had gone so far, but he didn’t see anything wrong with it. His philosophy of his youth was simple: If a girl says no, respect it.
When Angel’s Dad and step-mom came home, (Angel and Timmy) figured it was time for him to go. Timmy met Angel’s dad. Angel wasn’t lying when she said that her dad was black. It’s rather amusing since Angel is pretty damn white. Her brother looks black, though. As for Angel’s mother, Timmy asked about her at one point or another. She vaguely said something about prescription drugs and alcohol, and her death when she was in 6th grade. Timmy wanted to consol her, but it had happened years ago, she was obviously ‘over’ it to some degree. And, they weren’t exactly the closest of ‘friends’.
Regardless, Timmy called his dad to get a ride home. And went home feeling light-headed and happy.
Viva le boobies! Be well,
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Boobies and kisses. If that’s not bitchen, I don’t know what is.
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Yea for girlfriends! Yea for first kisses!
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i have to say, this is a pretty good theme. i borrowed it, if you don’t mind :o)
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ryn: my thoughts exactly
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So YOU’RE Timmy? Wow. I feel SO clued in now. (apparently I DO live under a rock. I like my rock. It’s… warm under here)
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mmmm. reading about all these first kisses is making me horny. you’ve written, veruca’s written, zomby’s written. gah.
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I should probably do this theme… ryn: OK, I made the font darker for Timmy’s precious eyes. 😛
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I was hoping for a more X rated entry 🙂 I’m such a horny bitch 🙂 Cute story though…..
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I like this “story” type entry. Yah for Timmy touching boobies!!
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Paul’s entry makes me horny, and yours just makes me jealous. I can’t win with you two.
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Zomby-drop us an e-mail (sumo152@westnet.com.au) with the word so I’s can get back in mate. I’ve made it up to your Pearl Harbour entry and miss my Zomby-fix during the day. –
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I might do this later. =o)
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Done…boy talk about reliving memories. –
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RYN: Man on a mission..? Christ I’ve got the audio to the moon landing in my head now..Houston…we have tongue now..” And why didn’t she kiss me..? Who knows Timmy-these are women we’re talking about (that will stir the masses). Maybe she wasn’t that type of girl? (Not what I found out later though). Still, at least you didn’t ask about the missing age in the first sentence. Bil
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18…and yes they can be as assertive as they want, or perhaps, as the case may be, they could but choose not to. Just a quick casual note now-given that I am typing this on the 3rd of Sept at 10.23am, what time (and date) would that make it with you? –
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Yep..two time zones for Melbourne, and the same as Verucassault. This puts you in the same time zone as my dad. Easy ot remember.. –
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Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu as we called it in the Marines. True-it’s a hard one to keep track of. Out here in the outback there’s only two times-day time and night time. Easy to remember and even easier to tell. *laughs* –
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ryn: of course I’m using your story for my own ammusement You obviously don’t know me well enough yet *winks* 🙂
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Huzzah Sir Timmy, Huzzah!
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Man Boobies are wrong. Man, Boobies are so right.
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mm boobies.. lol i think i might have to do this, hmm hugs,
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