When I’m Going To Have Sex.

I’m writing this just so we all have a common place to refer back to. I’ve said this many times to many people and so I’m fairly confident in .. what I’m saying? Because I know what I believe. And I will continue to articulate what I believe. I believe what I believe is right. Nevermind this paragraph.

I am a virgin, as you all should know. Why haven’t I had sex? For one, I’ve never had a long enough relationship for it. I claim the Curse of Angel still lingers, preventing me from having relationships longer than a month. *nods* Of course, I say that partially for the fun of it.

Why haven’t I had sex? Well, I’d like to be adept at cunnilingus before I try using my weiner. The tongue is more controllable than a penis, right? Moreover, if I can perform cunnilingus on a lady and pleasure her good, it’ll be easier to know what her needs are come time for sex.

Why haven’t I had sex? Maybe I’m just weird, but I have this crazy notion my first time should be “special”. As well as every time after. I don’t mean with an evening out of the town beforehand. I just mean with someone special, and so therefore the sex will be special.

When will I lose my virginity? I can really express it all in one two sentences: I will lose my virginity when I have sex. I’ll have sex when I’m emotionally and financially prepared. Emotionally, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I want to fully connect with a lady. You know, and all that good stuff. Financially, because, should birth control fail (assuming we’re even using any), we’ll be able to deal with any consequences. Personally, it’s a matter of being responsible. I don’t believe in using girls for my own personal pleasure. I want to wake up in the morning without any regrets.

Sex, despite it’s evolutionary consquences, really isn’t a life goal for me. If it happens, cool. If I die a virgin, so be it. Because you know what? I don’t really crave it. I really don’t. I have my moments when I crave cunnilingus, but now isn’t one of those times. All I really want is to cuddle. I want to hold a girl in my arms. That’s all. Nothing hot, wet, or stickie. I want to simply enjoy a girl’s presence.

I came to a conclusion the other day. I noted the fact that I discovered masturbation before I knew anything about sex. So, the concept of somebody else pleasuring me was rather odd. “Why would anybody want to do that?” And, on a more personal level, “Why would I need a girl to do that, I can do it myself.” And amusingly, though I’m self-sufficient for my own needs, I have a desire to pleasure a girl.

To reiterate, I’m a virgin, and I have no problem with that. I don’t think virgins are better than everybody else. I don’t think sex is a bad thing, on the contrary, I’m happy for anybody that’s getting cans of LAIDTM in a healthy relationship. But, for me, I suppose I’ll just have to do without that little statistic until I meet the right girl. Whoever the right girl happens to be.

I proudly proclaim my virginity, like a boy clinging to the last innocence of his youth.

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RYN: I have a great respect for Kegels, as I’ve been partaking for many years… and have, as a result– developed the ability to ‘milk’ an orgasm from my male counterpart, while lying completely still. It’s rather nice. 😀

*first note shimmy* I love how you are so open and honest.

Damn. It. Almost first note. *takes back shimmy*

*hangs head in shame* Now I feel bad. I’ve deprived the irridescent lady of her shimmy. If I could delete, I would. Know this much to be true.

You are, one, of very few men who think that way. I think its great.

September 8, 2003

Dude. If I had a daughter old enough. She could so date you. lol I think your crazy notion is a pretty bright idea ;o) ~ajaye

September 8, 2003

[Desi]: I think Timmy REALLY needs to get laid.

RYN: You stupid ass! Get thee to bed, this instant!

Wow! I think it makes you rather respectable that you aren’t out for sex and that loosing your virginity means something to you. Way to go! I think it takes a real man to think like that!

Kelly, you twat. :p …wanna make out? 😀

RYN: I am feeling great sadness, for Kivudet. Sounds like the women he’s been with have been heart-breakingly self-absorbed…too much so, to actually take the necessary time to tease him into a state of frenzy. …Almost makes me wanna take him out back and explore him till we get a reaction. 🙂

RYN: Bah. Don’t buy it. See, I’ve got large ta tas. Thus, the nippular area is generally numb…but with the right tongue, the right technique, and the right amount of patience– the nerves can be brought to life. He just needs some honest to goodness, quality sexing. Poor guy.

RYN: I’m just an arrogant shit..questioning the skill level, on the female end. See, I’ve heard my share of stories about woman who “tried and tried, and tried some more”…usually I just get determined to make the guy explode, and set out to do just that. B’rr keep ‘im away from me. :p

Sometimes I’m just not convinced you’re really a male. <3

RYN: Hehehe. He called me “penisless”.

Face it. You <3 my notewhoring.

Funny, I hadn’t pictured an entry like this coming from you. Nice entry, though.

RYN: Sometimes I RC really profound entries. And sometimes I RC stuff I just think more people should read, like that — more people should be exposed to a point of view that’s not liberal or conservative, sometimes.

Some people attach great importance to virginity, some people don’t. Good for you for being true to what you believe to be right. *wedgie of support*

September 9, 2003

I think it’s cool because it means something to you. It’s not like you’re in a rush to do it and you realize that it’s a big deal

September 9, 2003

1. i’m tired as heck. 2. reading this when a person is tired as heck really doesn’t work very well, because apparently heck is very tired. 3. erm yes. hugs,

You should open a school or something and train all guys to be like you. It could be like a Timmy army.

What is this about — Dictator of The Twenty Dollah Billz Club since January 6, 2003 Suspended August 17th-18th, 2003 for impersonating

RYN: I don’t believe your world is any less “real”, either. That is why I put it in “”. It’s a figure of speech. Things are different when you are on your own and out of college. That is what I meant. No matter what, they are. And there’s more to it than how many people you live with. Things change.

And I think you have a healthy attitude towards sex. There’s no reason to do it just because you feel like you should or something. There’s more to life than sex.

Dude, you’re not supposed to know what you’re doing the first time. You’re supposed to get all mangled and tangled and wind up splooging in her ear or something. Like your first time trying to swim.

September 9, 2003

I wish my ex had been that noble 🙂

September 9, 2003

RYN: Aww, timmy. Well…it was easier for me I suppose since I went to a school that was smaller than my high school to begin with. Then I transferred to a school that is bigger than 5 of my hometowns put together. Luckily, I knew people here who had also transferred from CMC and I was REALLY lucky to have a friend from HS who goes here and we hit the parties and make friends that way. *nods*

September 9, 2003

Also RYN: Do you ever had study groups? I make a lot of friends that way. I don’t know if you have study groups for CS or not. Cause…it might not be practical…because…wouldn’t everyone need a computer? I dunno, I’m a biology major, I don’t know anything about this technological stuff. And I don’t want to either!!

September 9, 2003

My HS was about 1000. My first college was about 500-600 and my new college is over 26,000. Hurrah.

RYN: Yes. :-p This is good, Timmy. I thihk its sweet to find a guy who’s so insistant on holding onto his virginity until its right. Most guys don’t do that. They just want ass as soon as possible.

I like this outlook, kind of a ethereal, “many-arms” spirituality. 🙂 Really, it’s a good thing (Martha), and cunilingus is (I’m told) a very marketable skill. You might apply for a role in Kelly’s upcoming “XXX Women of OD” extravaganza. I understand it’ll be quite tres chic. I already put in a good word for you.

oh boy. i wouldn’t know about the first time being “special.” remember the first kiss entry? my first sexual experience was that times two. and i waited longer than you. (wait, how old are you?)

oh, nevermind. i didn’t…. :oP

Yes, yes, and yes. Kelly said they are, and she rules the world, so she’s right. :-p

September 9, 2003

RYN: Funny ones up there are cool too. It’s just that people who write about this person is so coool then that person puts it up in RC is when it gets meaningless. So I did a small spoof. Nothing against funny RC’s up there. Just that RC is so cliqueish and retarded sometimes.

September 9, 2003

your innocence? You probably know more about those areas on a woman than she does. But I totally understand where you’re coming from.

September 9, 2003

yeah timmy. geez. you better be there. where would the ladies of OD be without you?

September 9, 2003

RYN: My question wasn’t why does religion keep people healthy, I am not stupid…I can figure that much out. My question is what am I to do when I’m in practice and I know that it would HELP some of my stressed out patients who are un-religious. How am I to broach the topic? I know I won’t be like “You need to go to church, synagogue, temple (whatever)” but I’m a big believer in meditation…

September 9, 2003

…and that sort of thing and I know I will recommend it. I just am not sure how I’ll recommend it to my atheist patients without making them think I’m trying to convert them. I’m probably thinking way ahead of myself anyway.

ryn: sex really isn’t as big of a deal as you virgins like to think. it’s just a part of life.

ryn: do you ever? well, sometimes, i guess. but not today.

hehehehhehehe…. i get it, i get it. i suppose i’ll let you have your delusions without further interruptions :o) you’re very ammusing. yanno that?

September 9, 2003

just wanted to drop off some cheese.

September 9, 2003

i’m feeling random, lol. enjoy the cheese. *nods*

September 9, 2003

Well nothing wrong with wanting your 1st time to be special. Anyways thought I would drop in and say HI!

September 9, 2003

the funny thing is… i’m not wearing pants lol

Oh man….no, no, no….you definitly want someone else to pleasure you. It is about 250 million times better than anything you can do to yourself. *nods* No kidding.

September 9, 2003

RYN: Shoot. I’ll just RC your whole Diary! =D

September 9, 2003

I think I want to marry you…

Well said, bravo!!!! I think this is incredible!! Every reason you have said is a perfectly, 100% valid reason, and not too many guys think this way. (It’s actually a turnon hehe!) You rock.

September 9, 2003

pfft… you say that like we’re not married to them already.

RYN: This is a really nice entry. I thought about RCing it, but it’s also a bit of a personal entry, and I never want to upset someone by RCing something they maybe didn’t want everybody on OD to read.

September 9, 2003

ryn: I’m not researching, I go there for the message board: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/ Oh, and having a weak football team might be a good thing. But having a weak softball team, baseball team, wrestling team, swimming team, volleyball team–at some point it becomes just tiring. *frown*

September 9, 2003

I have a similar theory regarding sex. “Don’t do something unless you can afford it” I can’t afford a porsche so I don’t own one. I can’t afford a baby, so I don’t have sex, which can lead to a baby. Have I told you this before?

September 9, 2003

*applauds* I’ve gotta get here earlier, meanwhile. Tra la.

September 10, 2003

Please do not bash my friends. Thank you. Have a nice day.

September 10, 2003

Wow, that’s really admirable Timmy. My relationships never seem to last over a month or so either,cause I get bored. I’m glad you’re waiting to make it “special.” You don’t hear guys say that really anymore, so I’m in awe. You’re a great guy…wait for the right girl. *hugs*

And here I thought “financially” prepared was tha tyou were going to pay for it. Glad you clarified that. 😉 XOXOXOXO

September 10, 2003

You have a great way of thinking. My husband had sex with a stranger when he was 18 and totally regretted it and swore he wouldnt have sex again until he was married. He almost made it! We were engaged! I corrupted him. He was my first (and only) though.

September 10, 2003

How sweet of an entry. mmmm makes my slit twitch. I like the idea of a Timmy-army.

January 28, 2004

amen to that. i wish my experience had been the same.

February 4, 2004

I’m glad you think this way:)

Ahhahhahhah dont mind me laughing. that was great are you a real man/boy or whatever. this world is so much into sex. if you havent gottan any action then why are you alwayz talking about it?

why does it have a [P]

i have desided i love you… but i can only love you if you love PEANUTBUTTER (preferbaly Crunky);)


March 24, 2004


I need to be more honest, like you are. I think I’m just gonna do that, cuz dude.. it’s going to be VERY SHOCKING. lol.