What I Do At Work, Part II
Eventually, it was clear Mary had no real use for me. So, she told me to go downstairs every day. My first task… *thinks* Putting little pins into a metal thingie. These pins are later slide into a machine, where the board is put on top, then a thing comes and and WHOOSSHH the top of the pins are smooshed secured with the board. Those pins were SOOO SMALLL. The hispanic ladies were going a million times faster than me. *laughs* I liked doing the WHOOSSH machine. More arm movement. Fun with air pressure!
Ah yes, the hispanic ladies. Most of the downstairs workers are hispanic ladies. I usually just refer to them as “mexicans” with my friends, but I thought I’d be more politically correct. *smirks* I mean, hell, they could be from columbia. There’s one asian guy and one asian girl who talk to each other in whatever language. It’s these people (nevermind Mike and Kristen), and guess who’s in charge downstairs. Yup, you got it, two large white guys. *laughs* Art and Roy. *nods* I’ve been effectively desensitized to hearing spanish all day. And spanish music! My spanish has gotten a lot weaker since I stopped taking it. I pick up words here and there. “bonito” (handsome) “bocadillo” (sandwich) “pequeno” (small) “por que or porque” (why or because) The ladies are nice. *smiles*
I remember doing a resistance test on a couple hundred ad switches. After those gold cans have some shit done to them, apparently, they’re called that. There’s a little metal thing that points out of the middle, and another metal piece soldered onto the side of the can. I put it into a thingie and I check to see that the needle doesn’t spaz. *smiles* All the production shit downstairs, you can do without knowing anything about anything. “Do this. Good. Now do it a couple thousand times more.” You don’t need to know anything about physics to do the resistance test. But, it helps. *smiles* There’s also the position test, which I still don’t really understand. You push it into something, move it around a in a circle and make sure the red light goes on at all marks. *laughs* I’m so descriptive, aren’t I?
Capacitors. Ah, those lovely capacitors. I bent capacitors for a week or more. I really liked doing that. Well, more than bent. I’d put them on thingie that goes up and down and moves it towards this spiked cylinder. It goes around. The ends are trimmed. Then it’s perfectly bend. *smiles* I did.. *thinks* A couple thousand of those.
After that, I did two days of inventory. Kristen and I worked together the first day. *nods* …I noticed her asscrack was showing. *laughs* Hey, I’m sorry, it’s not typical for a girl to have her asscrack showing, is it? She was wearing Delia’s pants, reminded me of Princess. And yes, she was wearing panties. …Hey, if her crack is showing, I wondered. I mean, wouldn’t it kinda hurt for a girl to wear pants with no undies? …No, I didn’t hit on her. I just made conversation. She’s Wendo’s age. She bought me a bagel during break. *laughs* It’s like I’ve said, I find it easier to talk to girls than guys. *shrugs* Anywaaaaay. ..Who knew inventory would take so long? Counting shit. Verifying shit. Having Roy go “We have 50,000 extra of THAT?!” Or “We’re 50,000 short of THAT?!” *smiles* Of course, we’re not to be blamed. We’re just counting shit.
Wednesday, I punched 586 something holes out of metal sheets. *nods* Punch. Move sheet. Repeat. *smiles* I was in the upstairs storage area, by myself. Well, storage, but there was some tools up there, too. I was alone, I kinda liked working like that. By myself. I could adjust my weiner without anybody noticing. After I finished that task, I attended to rolling up stickers that were coming out of Roy’s new toy. Oh, labelmaker, that’s right. I also attended the task of removing some numbers of the back of PC board. Alcohol + marker = fun.
Ah yes, today… Take PCB from box. Place in static-free bag. Place in another box. Repeat until finish. After we finished what we had, I stuck around and helped the next task. Which was taking the PCB in the static-free bag and putting it in static-free bubble-wrap. For shipping purposes, after all. That ate about five or six hours of the day. Yeah, until the last break. *nods* For my last task, I broke PCBs out of the panel. Panel? I forget what they were called. Doesn’t matter.
One week remains. One and a half paychecks due to hit my bank account. I drive by DASUBERBRUCE’s house twice a day. I’ve decided not to invade his privacy. Though, his triumphant return has dampened my spark to pester him. However, I’m sure I could be easily convinced to visit him if I had someone with me that didn’t mind invading his privacy. *smiles* I swear, you have no idea how close to his house I get. I think part of the reason I don’t mind waiting is because I can go pester him at any time. I don’t need a special trip. *smiles more*
Yep. I’m only using….5.08 GBs of my memory right now. It’d be a lot more….with all my digital photos and school papers and stuff, but I keep most of that stuff cleared off of my computer and on CDs. That 5 gigs just makes up my programs, my games, stuff like that…on, and the shit load of songs I have saved on the comp so I don’t have to bother with playing CDs. That’s the only resaon
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I’ve finally pushed into the 5s. I had been at about 3.5 for the longest time. But…the songs take up *runs to check* 1.53 gigs….so, that upped it a lot, when I put all those songs on from CDs. And I never finished the job!! hehehe. If I ever do….that’ll up it a whole lot! 😀
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ryn: Only 3-5 times a week??? That’s actually not bad…..I think my husband might have you beat!! Not that I keep track of his schedule, I could care less really. But, he’s been out of the state for a month now….damn….a whole month!! *fans myself* I lost my train of thought 🙂
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What entry do I need to read to find out about DASUBERBRUCE and why you’re wanting to go over his house? lol I’m curious.
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