Vive La Timmy!

Status Report

    Wearing: Red thong, AC/DC shirt, etc

    WinAmp is playing: Black Country Woman – Led Zeppelin

    Last ate: Some sort of cassarole my mom made, I believe.

    Last round of masturbation: Last night. Or, this morning, depending on how you look at it.

    Entry Start Time: 11:26 PM

    Based on Esther’s “Senses”.

Ah, how to start the post-suspension era.

I spent today sleep-deprived due to general stupidity. You know. “1 AM. I should GOTO bed before 2.” … “Oh, 2 AM. I should go soon.” … “3 AM, already? Wow. It’s getting pretty late. Why haven’t I left?” …. “4 AM. HOLY SHIT, I HAVE TO GET UP IN TWO HOURS.” Amazing how I can function on less than two hours of sleep.

I contemplated what I’d do with myself without Open Diary. Realize that I leave my house around 7 AM and don’t get back until 4 PM. So while all you good people knew about my reinstatement, I was preparing for the worst. Mister Godfather offered me a spare diary he had. Jannney said she’d buy me a new diary. Princess suggested I go solo. I could go solo, if I really wanted to. “I’ll show that Bruce, I’ll upstage him and create a journal with more porn that Doctor Birkin himself could handle!”

But, I had something else in mind. I wasn’t sure what I meant when I created that “Bring Back The Timmy” image, in addition to the “Bring Back The Timmy Campaign.” I decided that getting a new diary just wouldn’t be worth it. I’d want my old diary back, this diary. I started scheming. I imaged myself writing guest entries for anybody that wanted to take up my cause. Heck, I don’t even need people’s passwords, I can just email entries. I’d let them give me a topic or too, if they wanted. What can I say? Life as an exile was starting to look exciting. “Give me back my diary, Bruce!”

Thankfully, when I got home from work, absolutely exhausted and ready to take a shower, I discovered that I’ve become the only person to be suspended from Open Diary and be reinstated. Did you miss the drama and wonder what the heck I’m talking about? I’ll summarize the contents of this entry, which was originally on Kelly’s diary. The GodFather wrote an entry, trying to get Bang Bang Bruce’s attention. I left a note that looked something like: “Hello, my son [The DiaryMaster]”. If you’ve read Bang Bang’s latest entry, you’ll know how I was able to make my DiaryName look like his. I meant nothing bad by it, I was just trying to be funny. When Bruce said he’d “check my history”, I believe he was refering to my note history. I got an email this morning saying:

    I’ve reviewed your note history, and it is clear that you had no ill intent with the notes you were leaving. Therefore, I have taken your diary out of suspension. I appreciate your patience in this matter, but I think you can understand that this was a necessary step to ensure the safety of our site.


Also, you will need to re-enter your diary description, title, and location. I found out that the backup my suspension program creates was not valid, so I could not restore them. For that I apologize, but I’ve only done a few suspensions and yours is the first to be restored. You will find all of your notes and entries as you left them.

And so, I’ve been the first person – ever – to be suspended from Open Diary and be reinstated. The time I was suspended was about 17 hours, from my estimations. And the DD thing he mentioned in his email turned out not to be a problem. One, I have the pull-down menu shit for my DD backed up. And, the back-up on the description itself actually worked. So, no worries. (And besides, he’s never USED that feature before. No guarantee it’ll work. *smirks*)

I believe this entry shall be used for the sake of continuity, since I’ve written in places other than here. I mean, if you’re looking back through entries, you’ll eventually wonder “What the heck happened when he got suspended?” I deem this entry over. Now on to the fun stuff. *cackles*

Log in to write a note

Timmy’s back! Timmy’s back! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* Timmy really is a legend, now!! 😀 First ever suspended ODer to come back. Woo hoo!

*first note bum wiggle*

August 18, 2003

At least you are back. 😀 Rock on man. If you ever need a favor… just yell.

August 18, 2003

Oh yea.. LOVE your new diary name. lol

August 18, 2003

yea!!!! :oD ~ajaye

August 18, 2003

yay Timmy!

*snikkers at the name* Nerd. <3

August 18, 2003

Doesn’t matter what you change your name to, you’re Timmy to even people who only lurk. Glad you weathered that storm!

August 18, 2003

Dude, “My Vendetta” ? Ask Mr. ZW who just blocked me after I thought I was being nice, who has the problem? I am going to ask the DM to suspend him for his comments about me.

August 18, 2003

Wow. 😀 Love always,

August 18, 2003

You, Paul, and SK need to lock your bad selves in a room and slug it out.

fab. welcome back.S*J

I’m not the DiaryMaster either. Go figure.

August 18, 2003

There will be no fighting in my diary.

August 18, 2003

Funny damn name….hahahahaha…and no soup for you.

Huzzah — congrats!

Welcome back love!!! I missed ya 🙂 Do I detect a little bit of drama in your notes or is it just me??

Wow. Was wondering why you got suspended…. Glad you’re back.

wb dude. Had me worried there. 🙂

I am the DiaryMaster. No I’m not.

August 19, 2003

Wow, you are famous now. And a historical figure in OD land. Congratulations!

August 19, 2003

This is so freakin’ awesome. WE LOVE YOU TIMMY. . . WE STILL LOVE YOU DM!

August 19, 2003

welcome back, dude.

August 19, 2003

Ok, disregard the note I left on the next entry. I’m lazy, but not so lazy that I can’t simply back up an entry. My investigative skills are SHARP tonight! Yes!

April 26, 2006

lol this is funny. I remember when this happened, but I didn’t know it was you.